Do you want some porn with that Zune video/mp3 player?

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Wrong Whole!
12 Year Old Girl Gets Zune Pre-Loaded with Porn - Xbox

Fox News reported last night that a couple from Chicago gave their 12-year-old daughter a Zune media player as a Christmas present but the device came with a whole lot more than an instruction manual...

When Derrick Woods and Chanell Martin decided to surprise their 12-year-old daughter with a Microsoft Zune media player, they had no idea how big of a surprise they were in for. The gadget, they said, came preloaded with more than an hour of raunchy pornography.

Considering the type of content that was pre-loaded with the device, it wasn't interesting at all for the little girl:

"It was a homosexual orgy that they had video taped for an hour and 44 minutes," Chanell Martin told Fox News affiliate WFLD reporter Michelle Gielan.

The couple said the Zune package appeared to have been "tampered with" and the Zune charger was missing. When they went to complain to the Wal-Mart store where they purchased the gift, the store manager blamed the situation on Microsoft.

Now, Wal-Mart has issued a statement informing they are investigating the incident and will give a full refund plus a a $25 gift card. But the parents believe the damage has been caused already.

"What do you tell a 12-year-old child that you have five men having sex with each other? That's not a conversation that I want to have," Martin said.
Nope. It's far better to let the child reach their own conclusions. Responsible parenting is far too much work.
Sue them for the value of a lifetime of therapy, then pocket the $$$. Everybody wins. Except Walmart's insurance company, and the little girl who now thinks men have delicious lollipops between their legs.

somebody pwn3d WalMart and their 'you can return absolutely fucking ANYTHING' policy hardcore.

Seriously, think about it...go buy a video/mp3 player, upload a gay orgy onto it, and return it for some fucker to buy. lmmfao....

it's not like it's anything that girl wouldnt've seen sooner or later anyways, what with all the fag rights and such nowadays. They should be happy with the $25 gift card and move on.
who has returned stuff they never bought there because they spent all their cash on .... uh party favors?

this guy, thats who.
True dat. If it was a 6 year old, now thats a different story. When the hell do 12 year olds get MP3 players, anyway?