Dope rims...

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Ah, I didn't even think of it that way. That's pretty bad...
I would kick myself in the nuts every chance i have if those were on my car :kick:

I was going to make an "ugly" car just for kicks out of a spare Honda or something- and these rims would probably have been a great match. Hell, the CRX is ugly enough- maybe I should get a set for it!

Originally posted by Calesta@Jan 13 2004, 02:56 PM

I was going to make an "ugly" car just for kicks out of a spare Honda or something- and these rims would probably have been a great match. Hell, the CRX is ugly enough- maybe I should get a set for it!


they would probibly look good on a focus, or a mustang

I wouldn't even disgrace THOSE cars with a set of Teddy Bear rims.

I'd sport these babies on my Civic.

-> Steve

Happy go fast