Double Clutching while autocrossing?

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I find myself double clutching from time to time when just cruising around town. Perhaps it's because when driving OTR for a while, the non-synchronized tranny required it, unless you are floating gears...
yayy!!! remove even more of the joys of learning the techniques of REAL driving by letting a computer do it for you :(

why learn to launch? just use launch control
why learn threshold breaking? just use ABS
why learn proper cornering technique? just use ASC
why learn to properly modulate the throttle? just get traction control
why learn to rev match? just let the computer do it
why pay attention and avoid running into the car in front of you? just get the car that automatically slams on the brakes for you
why learn to back up or parallel park? just get a car that does it for you

and in a few years... why bother driving? just let the car do it for you

i fucking hate that driving is becoming as bland and automated as the rest of our lives :(

one reason why i want a lotus.
i really just want a car that *I* drive.
i love my subie, and the only thing on there that i like is the ps. i never use a/c and never find myself in the situation for the abs to kick on.

i know... i think the thing that bothers me the most is that no one cares about the enthusiast... well not many companies do anyway...

for the most part they just keep automating more and more every chance they get... and people just keep eating it up

i already know how this is going to end up... ive said it before... someone will invent a car that has an auto drive mode... it will be Mercedes or Volvo that most likely comes out with it... it will be kind of like cruise control is now, in that if there is any contrary input from the driver the system will be immediately disengaged and the driver will be back in control... people will be a bit sketchy about it at first... but as time goes by it will prove itself as being safe, at least as safe as manually driving... it will spread across more brands and more and more cars on the road will have it... eventually there will be limited access lanes on the highways designed for auto drive only, kinda like the car pool lanes... those lanes will prove to have a lower instance of traffic accidents... more lanes will be designated to auto drive... fast forward several years... eventually people will be deemed to unpredictable and inconsistent, too risky, too dangerous, and it will become a ticketable offense to drive on the highway manually... then it will start to trickle down to regular roads... in the mean time the auto drive system is now the default setting for cars... and if the car senses that you are diving in a matter that may be dangerous, it will take back the control from you, you know to keep you and those around you safe... as more and more people become accustomed to simply riding in a car, instead of driving it, cars will no longer have the option of manually driving them... and then the roads will essentially be little more than conveyor belts that deliver us to our destination in the shortest, quickest, most direct route possible...
and thats the end of it... a car will simply be another appliance... joy riding will be a thing of the past... as will be the joy of driving... the automotive spirit will be dead

:( its so true.
hopefully i'll be long dead by then.
oh yeah, and about the OP, remember, if you find yourself continuously spinning out at 140mph, just add nos. it keeps you going straight.
I declare this sandwich thread 2.0 by executive order!
