Downtime this weekend - Moving Servers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briansol
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At some point over the weekend (most likely sat afternoon GMT-5), HS (and all my other sites) will be down for a little bit. Traffic is up and we're killing the sql server (as i'm sure some of you have noticed) during peak times.

So, I got a new server coming through.

moving form cloverton to hapertown proc's, still dual quad cores @ 2.0ghz
moving from 2gb ram to 8gb ram
moving from raid 5 on 3 sataII drives to raid 10 on 4 sata 10k raptors
Well, the data center hooked me up :)
gave us 2.6's instead of 2.0's for the 2.0 prices :)

2x Intel Xeon-Harpertown 5430-Quadcore [2.66GHz]

sweet :)

and yeah, i have a ton of sites... most people don't know about them though.
i also host obamacies for nick.
2x Intel Xeon-Harpertown 5430-Quadcore [2.66GHz]
:clapping: woooo hooo no more slugish hondaswap

I rember when scored 2 10gb 10k scsi drives and controller back in the day and i did a raid0 setup everyone thought that was the shit. Can you even get scsi drives any more ore did sata knock them out. Wish i would have stayed in school for computers things have grown so much in the last 5yrs. I wouldnt even know where to start chosing componets for a server any more. Rember when hard drives used to cost almost $1 per MB then they were $1 per GB now its almost $1 per TB
sata is at its end of life too. SA-SCSI is replacing evertyhing. It's an extra 200 bucks a month through ($50/drive) for it over sata... so its not in the budget for me yet.
mmm 10K SAS. that is what we have in our NAS at the office :)
15k's are an option, but its just too much money IMO.

assuming sata II 7200 is "free/included"
sata 10k raptors are 75 more a month
sata 15k raptors are 100 more a month
sa-scsi 10ks are 125 more a month
sa-scsi 15ks are 200 more a month.

lot of cash for drives.
All this tech talk makes absolutely no sense to me. As long as I can log on to whatever website I go to, I am happy. I'll leave all the tough work to someone else. Kudos to you guys that can understand all that and make it all work.

B, I thought you sold Conflicting Views?
cPanel is for wussies.

# bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.39(1)-release (i386-unknown-openbsd4.4)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# uname -a
OpenBSD 4.4 GENERIC.MP#1021 i386
1 year.

and yeah, i know cpanel sucks, but i'm not great with linux. saves me a lot of headaches.

everything seems to be up and running now though pretty good.
1 year.

and yeah, i know cpanel sucks, but i'm not great with linux. saves me a lot of headaches.

everything seems to be up and running now though pretty good.

maybe if you werent so picky..

and it hella just fucked up for a minute for me.
anyone else?