earning brownie points with the girl

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There is a huge problem with this paradigm. Allow me to demonstrate:

This can be me, you, or any other person on this forum. Any man you know of.

Rachelle says:
so what do you want for xmas?
Rachelle says:
Celerity says:
i told you, i wanna learn how to deep-tongue your asshole

Now, observing that scenario: At what point do think the conversation becomes ... implausible ?

And that is why I will never believe you. I've had some crazy girlfriends. Ones that did things that are illegal in most countries. And never, not once, did anyone of them react this casually nor voluntarily. Some came close: Telling my friends about it, (Once my parents.. that was a fun night) but they never crossed that kind of casual line. Also, none of them had such a low self esteem and psyche that they considered themselves goo-receptacles like that. Even though I did.
i told you, i wanna learn how to deep-tongue your asshole

you used to border on genius and lunacy...

you've finally taken the plunge

you should go into business curing sex addicts

but i don;t understand your hangup on this chick saying she wants to learn how to swallow...

(Once my parents.. that was a fun night) but they never crossed that kind of casual line. Also, none of them had such a low self esteem and psyche that they considered themselves goo-receptacles like that. Even though I did.

casual? can nakedness get any more casual?

and the last line is by far the best EVAR!!

do tell about your long night
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Going through your pics you kinda look like that "pimp" guy from The Girl Next Door. You know the guy that was like the girls manager. LOL

that would be Timothy Olyphant i believe. i thought it was johnny knoxville... they kinda look alike.

Originally posted by "Johnny Knoxville in A Dirty Shame"


Oh poor Chris Isaak.

And Tracey Ulman. Poor, poor people.

John Waters tongues assholes all the time.

My hang up here is that the whole thing smells like bullshit. Tomorrow, I'll post that conversation between me and my girlfriend (Who, after 12 years of ME isn't phased by much in the lines of wierd conversation). If she DID say it, then it's not cool - It's not even funny. It's pathetic. Like me "wanting to learn how to taste rectum."

My girlfriend would shank you prison style if you talked to her like that.
It's kinda like this

There are slaves. They are into this Dom thing, and you know.. whatever. But there is no way that someone can enjoy or feel better by drinking someone's piss at knife point. Read the following:

I've spent a lovely night on cam tonight. I've drank so much piss my belly is making sploshing noises.

I don't have too much of worth to say. I've spent several days working and watching episode after episode of Babylon 5. It's fucking great. Any reccomendations for good tv shows to come next would be much appreciated. We don't have television, so preferably something that's finished already and can be downloaded. We love cheesy sci-fi especially.

Now you see, I am totally with her on the Babylon 5 thing. I love that show. And I realise that people who are in this club tend to be losers, and don't have that famous of a command over the english language. Oh, and perhaps you may have missed something:

She drank someone's piss on camera.

There. I may have pointed out the essence of my argument here.

If you're interested in more, click here -> <span style="color:#FF0000">This site is in no way, shape or form Work safe. </span> Now while any of you think it's sick, or it's not - I should point out that there is a human in there somewhere.

And chances are, she wanted more out of life than to drink someone's piss.
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It's kinda like this

There are slaves. They are into this Dom thing, and you know.. whatever. But there is no way that someone can enjoy or feel better by drinking someone's piss at knife point. Read the following:

I've spent a lovely night on cam tonight. I've drank so much piss my belly is making sploshing noises.

I don't have too much of worth to say. I've spent several days working and watching episode after episode of Babylon 5. It's fucking great. Any reccomendations for good tv shows to come next would be much appreciated. We don't have television, so preferably something that's finished already and can be downloaded. We love cheesy sci-fi especially.

Now you see, I am totally with her on the Babylon 5 thing. I love that show. And I realise that people who are in this club tend to be losers, and don't have that famous of a command over the english language. Oh, and perhaps you may have missed something:

She drank someone's piss on camera.

There. I may have pointed out the essence of my argument here.

If you're interested in more, click here -> <span style="color:#FF0000">This site is in no way, shape or form Work safe. </span> Now while any of you think it's sick, or it's not - I should point out that there is a human in there somewhere.

And chances are, she wanted more than to drink someone's piss.
my curiousity alway get the best of me. after reading..
Every time somebody underage or easily offended views a website depicting consensual slavery, sadomasochism, watersports, scat and other extreme sexual acts - god kills a kitten.

This is one of those websites.
i still entered the site and now im scared for life...well maybe a week.
Celerity is right with everything he said.

Jeffie, the chick sounds like a complete slut. Not the "bring home to mom" type. She is probably a trauma or sexual abuse victim that has endured a rough childhood.

If you get serious with her, expect a lot of frustration in your future. My advice would be to keep her as a fuck buddy, but whatever you do, establish that it is nothing more than that. Unless you want to get shanked when your back is turned.
lol, its not like she's goin "OH PLEASE JEFFIE!!! LET ME SWALLOW!" or something like that. I took it as a playful tone. Usually the girls youre talking about are the ones that go, "HARDER HARDER" after you banged her head into the he head board a few times.

At least, thats my experience.
yea you guys are taking it too seriously. shes just being cute. plenty of girls will do things like that to make their man happy. even if they really wouldnt PREFER to do it, doesnt mean they wont still portray that they do, just cause they know their bf/husband/whatever will like it.
Not sure if you noticed, so I'll prepare the Celerity Primer for you:

A long time ago Celerity was a higher-than-average intelligence kid. Then, one day while under medical care, Celerity was given far too much Valium and took on a specific degree / location of brain damage.

Celerity takes things way too seriously all the time. Things that people should just shrug off and never bear to mind stick with Celerity like glue. Celerity often times recalls how his 6th grade science teacher pissed him off. Mrs. King and I swear to god if I see her I'll piss in her gas tank in broad daylight.

Combine a completely askew view of life with a perpensity to over-analyse EVERYTHING like the guy on "Clerks" that looks for perfect eggs, with a photographic memory then sprinkle on a bit of brain damage with a splash of a rough childhood.

And you got me !
Nah trust me shes not a slut in the least bit. she CANNOT stand girls who do anything sexual for anyone other then a lover. she cant even stand porn :cry: (my #1 problem with her) however, shes the type of girl that when she truly cares about you she will do anything and everything to make you happy.

Shes been with 2 people in her whole life. she hasnt even fooled around with anyone out side of her ex bf she dated for 3 years and me.

you're just reading too deep into it. She was being playful and like I said before she enjoys doing anything that makes Me happy =) shit I can't watch a movie with her with out my ding ding ending up wet she loves to make me happy =) hehe Besides have you never had a girl say something very far out there just to try and get you to shut up about a subject such as cars or motors?


She's Chiense/Filipino

and as far as my job goes, I work at a friggin pizza joint.
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Nah trust me shes not a slut in the least bit. she CANNOT stand girls who do anything sexual for anyone other then a lover. she cant even stand porn :cry: (my #1 problem with her) however, shes the type of girl that when she truly cares about you she will do anything and everything to make you happy.

Shes been with 2 people in her whole life. she hasnt even fooled around with anyone out side of her ex bf she dated for 3 years and me.

you're just reading too deep into it. She was being playful and like I said before she enjoys doing anything that makes Me happy =) shit I can't watch a movie with her with out my ding ding ending up wet she loves to make me happy =) hehe Besides have you never had a girl say something very far out there just to try and get you to shut up about a subject such as cars or motors?


She's Chiense/Filipino

and as far as my job goes, I work at a friggin pizza joint.

I think it might just be the name dude. I got head while driving once just because i said "OMG a new Z06". Didnt work the second time when i called a civic a ferrari...but id be wrong for not trying.

I think that someone (solreaver) isnt dating/fucking the right girls...Every girl ive dated is the same way when we are alone. Usually they dont do shit like that in public...but i did say usually. Hell im 19 and i have had girls say similar things to me all the time...but its usually if im rambling about computers or cars and just want me to shutup. Makes having a passion other than her worth it. Especially if she really is your passion.
she cant even stand porn (my #1 problem with her)

hmmm, glad to see i'm not the only one in that sort of situation...
she took all my bang bus cd's and broke every one of them while yelling at me the whole time...
Porn is just stupid. And it puts a totally false idea of the reality of sex in your mind.

And that is contributing to the corruption of teens. I mean, they just get into this world of sexual relations, and where do they turn... ?

Fiction. Smooth.
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yea you guys are taking it too seriously. shes just being cute. plenty of girls will do things like that to make their man happy. even if they really wouldnt PREFER to do it, doesnt mean they wont still portray that they do, just cause they know their bf/husband/whatever will like it.

You guys are morons. My g/f if you met her you would think she is the most innocent sweet girl ever. And she is. But there is a saying. "A lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets".