Engine Code BT...?

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Went to the auction a few days ago, and i saw two cars with the BT engine in them..
I've never seen them, and just wondered more about them.
I'm going to assume it is a 2.0 one was in an 85 accord and the other in an 86 prelude.
Both were fuel injected :huh:
The engines look similar to the a20s and i wondered if it was a replacement/same?
Also wondering the numbers (Hp/tq) for these engines, and why i've never seen any before then?
After writing that sentence, im going to go to the resource section and looksee.
Owning a 3rd gen prelude myself, i know the b20a sucks butt, but would this be a direct replacement into an 88-91 prelude?
BT 2.0 12V SOHC PGM-FI 1955 110hp@5500rpm 114tq@4500rpm '86 Accord LX-i '86 Prelude (USA)