Execute Immediately

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The charges against the eight include seditious conspiracy, possessing a firearm during a crime of violence, teaching the use of explosives, and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction — homemade bombs.
So, let me get this straight, you want to execute them because they THOUGHT ABOUT committing a crime? As far as I can see, they didn't hurt, or attempt to hurt anyone. All I see is sensationalist journalism and sensationalist prosecution. These guys had WMD's, but Saddam Hussein didn't? LMFAO. And "teaching the use of explosives" is a crime? Send me to jail, because I'm guilty every fourth of July.
So, let me get this straight, you want to execute them because they THOUGHT ABOUT committing a crime?

they PLANNED to commit the crime. the FBI waits until the very last second before they intervene. obviously they thought this plan was close to execution, so they stepped in.

regardless, nobody should be plotting against a government that hasnt' really done anything wrong. yes, they are stupid. but they haven't had mass genocide like other nations.
but they haven't had mass genocide like other nations.
what do you call 100,000 iraqi civilians?

dropping a familiar little abbreviation in there to directly link them with terrorists
After such attacks, the group allegedly planned to retreat to "rally points" protected by trip-wired improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, for what they expected would become a violent standoff with law enforcement personnel.
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what do you call 100,000 iraqi civilians?

those dont count... they werent citizens of our own country

you can kill as many people in other countries as you want... you just cant start killing off your own people
those dont count... they werent citizens of our own country

you can kill as many people in other countries as you want... you just cant start killing off your own people
the direction i was going in.


i said they were stupid. our government has done stupid shit, but nothing that warrants a civil uprising or killing of police officers.

if we executed our own people, let the government run wild while there was massive famine, or zero law like the old west, i would understand. stupidity, unfortunately, is not a crime.
Terrorists aren't people. As soon as they classify someone as a terrorist, they're fair game.

Actually, anyone who uses the word terrorist instantly loses all credibility IMO.
or zero law like the old west

oh to be so lucky...

[/wistful longing]

and for what its worth...
there were laws
the laws were simple and to the point
the laws were understood... they were not always followed... but they were always understood
the laws were swiftly enforced
society was polite because everyone knew that words and actions had consequences, and the consequences for those words and actions were known and understood

the federal government was distant and for the most part an irrelevant concept... an absentee landlord... everything was handled in house (town), because that is the only way to be certain that anything would be handled at all

They were a "christian" group plotting to kill COPS, people who are just doing their jobs, make no social/political decisions on their own, and, are also probably largely "christian" also. Clearly a very misguided effort.


The media will latch on to certain keywords to make them sound MORE insane and tie their actions to those of a greater targeted population. Words such as:


And the list goes on and on. Then they will use this and other incidents to start crafting cases against things like:

References to God on money, in the constitution, in the pledge, in schools etc.
Gun ownership
Freedom of organization
Freedom of speech

And again, the list goes on.

I am no conspiracy theorist but I can feel it coming. Every day we are edging closer to the kindof uprising that our constitution is supposed to prevent. Of course when you constantly shit allover it and manipulate it, what do you expect?

I am no conspiracy theorist but I can feel it coming. Every day we are edging closer to the kindof uprising that our constitution is supposed to prevent. Of course when you constantly shit allover it and manipulate it, what do you expect?

i dont agree with violence as a means to convey your message, but in a society that is desensitized from violence and provides justification for militarization all over the globe, violence is the only thing that warrants a reaction from the masses and the elite. sure the constitution is over 200 years old, and people are different in this day and age, but our government has a complete disregard for the higher meaning of that piece of parchment and will do anything to side step the rules and ramifications that it sets to control the government. the government shouldnt control its people, the people should control the government.

They were a "christian" group plotting to kill COPS, people who are just doing their jobs, make no social/political decisions on their own, and, are also probably largely "christian" also. Clearly a very misguided effort.


The media will latch on to certain keywords to make them sound MORE insane and tie their actions to those of a greater targeted population. Words such as:


And the list goes on and on. Then they will use this and other incidents to start crafting cases against things like:

References to God on money, in the constitution, in the pledge, in schools etc.
Gun ownership
Freedom of organization
Freedom of speech

And again, the list goes on.

I am no conspiracy theorist but I can feel it coming. Every day we are edging closer to the kindof uprising that our constitution is supposed to prevent. Of course when you constantly shit allover it and manipulate it, what do you expect?

Exactly, I think this group is a bunch of misguided whack jobs, but the wording that the media used is a blatant attempt to undermine things that I feel strongly about.
Its really to bad that an impartial assessment of what these people where up to will never see the light of day. They are already guilty it seems. I would imagine that they where up to something. But who knows what. As for the FBI striking while the iron is hot, well there are still politics and power plays that are executed within every government agency. It is entirely possible that someone suggested that a boogie man be captured to help illustrate how proactive the administration is. Not to get to tin foily about the whole thing but it is a possibility.

This particular group has its head up their ass if they think that killing cops is a great way to spread the word. I know that more than a few people on most car forums have issues with cops being dicks and such but I think that most reasonable people acknowledge that they are folks doing their. And the business about hitting a funeral? Yeah really Christan guys...

Another issue this brings up; it drives the point home that according to the media and most people in general; the extreme exists only on the right. When was the last time you heard about the extreme left? You never really do because that extreme does not exist apparently.
Actually, labeling them as Christians is what I found most disturbing. The "news" story on NPR said they were Christian probably five or six times. If you know what the definition of being a Christian ("little Christ") is, these people are the exact opposite. Just because someone professes to represent a group, does NOT mean they are truly a part of it.
It's just like the "Islamic extremist terrorists", their practices go against the teachings of Islam, yet the media trashes the whole religion by associating them with it. Pisses me off, and people buy right into it.
a government that hasnt' really done anything wrong.


We're upset over health care and stuff... yes they're wrong but they're paper-shuffling type issues. As soon as we start jailing/killing people for their viewpoints or something equally as extreme is when the people should rise up. (Yes you have to be careful to avoid frog in the pot type situations, but that's another topic). Even George Washington sent a militia of 13,000 men against American citizens during the Whiskey Rebellion. You can't revolt over the small stuff.

Another issue this brings up; it drives the point home that according to the media and most people in general; the extreme exists only on the right. When was the last time you heard about the extreme left? You never really do because that extreme does not exist apparently.

What does the left really have as far as extremists go? Greenpeace? PETA? Lame! :D
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You can't revolt over the small stuff.
Ever heard of the American Revolution? Stamp Act?

Besides, I wouldn't classify it all as "small stuff". Social Security alone is reason enough to revolt. They steal thousands of dollars from you every year to utterly and completely waste it or give it away to mega-rich bankers. Small stuff?