Gay book ban

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wow that is fucking retarded. Well there goes freedom of the press. Fuck Jesusland. Long live United States of Canada.
Id like to say that I am glad that i live in California because that isnt likely to ever happen, but it is beyond disturbing that something like that could ever happen in the United States of America. I mean more than anything what that does is set precedence for future banning of books based on a single non-secular agenda. I mean though i frown on the use of slippery slope, what is to prevent them from banning books that show black men and women who are empowered? Can't say that it wouldnt happen because it already has.
See, I think more than anything the problem with these fundamentalists is that they think that the constitution, that dictates how we are as a nation, is there to serve them because they may have a percieved majority (in fact a vocal minority) when in fact the constitution is there to protect the rights of everybody, majority or otherwise. The problem though isnt just the vocal minority though, its the silent majority as well. They are just as at fault as the nutty christians, because even though they have the power to prevent this, they sit idly by because the idea of two guys kissing makes them feel uncomfortable. They cant see that it isnt just the gays that people are trying to protect, but instead the principle of the matter. It really all comes down to America's inability to put the public good before their own.
Originally posted by MaaseyRacer@Dec 2 2004, 02:19 AM
Great way to build a bridge all the way back to the 60s.
[post=424989]Quoted post[/post]​

Yeah, with Bush wanting to go back to abstinence only sex ed.

America, you voted his ass in. Enjoy!
just saw on the news that some paramists willnot give the birth controll pill out cause "they are pro life and can not condone the kill of a human life"
I'm sorry, as it sits right now, Religion is a fucking threat. This has gotten way out of hand, and it will only get worse.

Some call it facism, others call it Orwellian. Truth of the matter is this is a goddamn inquisition.


n 1: a former tribunal of the Roman Catholic Church (1232-1820) created to discover and suppress heresy [syn: Inquisition] 2: a severe interrogation (often violating the rights or privacy of individuals)

Spanish Inquisition? Hear of that? Yeah, that's what we have. Except now our 'heretics' are gays, liberals, pro choicers, hell just about anybody that is against either the Administration or the Church (which are damn near one entity). We'll just lump all of them in to one group and give them a menacing name... like "terrorists". Things like the Patriot Act will only become the norm and we'll be thrown some 50 years backwards in our way of education and thinking.

Iraq... Iran. East Asia... Eurasia. Who knows the difference? Who cares? Just as long as the big bad terrorists are being chased, everyone's happy.
Originally posted by Blanco+Dec 1 2004, 11:39 PM-->
I'm really starting to hate Christians.
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Originally posted by 1 2004, 11:40 PM
don't blame christians it not there fault 5% are crazy and 95 are normal
[post=424956]Quoted post[/post]​

Blanco, you're an arrogant idiot. You've shown it in multiple threads. Since you have nothing worthwhile to add, leave this thread alone.

@Dec 2 2004, 01:54 AM
I'm sorry, as it sits right now, Religion is a fucking threat. This has gotten way out of hand, and it will only get worse.
[post=424998]Quoted post[/post]​

Nearly all 'good will' programs, for example fighting poverty and hunger, are religous based. You are looking at every right-wing and extremist of any particular religion and classifying that as 'religion' in general. I'll take a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness as my neighbor any day over an athiestic person who believes they have no one to answer to. Guess who'll be the better neighbor or person? The one who would help you out in times of need? I know most of my neighbors wouldn't, and that's because they've had no parent or religion to shape their values or morals. As much 'bad' as many religions have promoted, there is just as much, if not more, good that results.
Once Bush is out of office, I do believe the USA and other governments will turn on religion. Look how much the government and media has made middle eastern religions look extremist. And just for you to know, governments fully turning against all religion is prophesied in the Bible, occuring in the 'last days'.
I'm catholic, I went to a Catholic school for nine years too... but I hate the way that they try to impose it on everyone else through laws. The Bible says that the end comes then governments turn their backs on religion? Please correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like a lot of major civilizations downfalls are brought about through religion and its fanatics. And its hard to buy a lot of whats said in the Bible anyway as it has been rewritten numerous times. And no I dont believe that just because someone isn't religious they are automatically a bad person. If I didnt go to that school for nine years I honestly dont know how religious I would be.
I am seriously doubting whether i want to stayt here in this country and raise kids here, I think by the time i get to that age I would rather live in Canada. Shit, I'd rather get a nice place in Mexico, atleast down there you can do whatever the fuck you want and no one cares
Originally posted by Prowler@Dec 2 2004, 04:06 AM
Nearly all 'good will' programs, for example fighting poverty and hunger, are religous based. You are looking at every right-wing and extremist of any particular religion and classifying that as 'religion' in general. I'll take a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness as my neighbor any day over an athiestic person who believes they have no one to answer to. Guess who'll be the better neighbor or person? The one who would help you out in times of need? I know most of my neighbors wouldn't, and that's because they've had no parent or religion to shape their values or morals. As much 'bad' as many religions have promoted, there is just as much, if not more, good that results.
Once Bush is out of office, I do believe the USA and other governments will turn on religion. Look how much the government and media has made middle eastern religions look extremist. And just for you to know, governments fully turning against all religion is prophesied in the Bible, occuring in the 'last days'.
[post=425009]Quoted post[/post]​

One concept of Christianity seems to be that one can commit any sin or atrocity, and basically as long as one makes peace with their god before dying, (thanks to Jesus) all is forgiven and heaven awaits. These Christian goodwill programs seem to help the atonement process. Actually I am a very helpful person in real life. What does turn me off is someone asking for help and if they say god bless in advance, I will turn away. I will not help when they are thanking their god in advance for my deeds.

Most of my life, I have tolerated Christians well. It's just since the Clinton and Bush years that the conservative and I believe self-named "moral majority" have gotten out of control and given themselves a bad name. This last election, I saw full page ads in the newspapers explaining to Christians what political issues were not negotiable. In their eyes, a political candidate that did not support pro-life agenda was not acceptable to vote for. I guess that the message wasn't getting across in their Sunday sermons. And so much for the separation of church and state. And Jehovah's witnesses and any other religious missionaries should respect and accept that a whole bunch of us are happy the way we are. As long as we are not serial killers, just stay out of our faces and leave us in peace. I also take it as a glaring lack of respect for us as individuals and our right to freedoms of thought and choice. Us non-Christians are well aware of your Christian presence, and why wouldn't we be?

As to your last statements, again it's the Bush administration that has put the rest of us MORE in danger with their Christian god rhetoric. Bush is the one that has turned the Iraqi war into more of a jihad with his insertions of "god is with us" into his speeches to our troops. FUCK YOU BUSH for that and for extending the duties of our troops overseas. And even though the rest of the world was on our side right after 9-11, Bush managed to alienate our international supporters by circumventing the diplomatic process with the UN over Iraq. What was the fucking rush to attack Iraq anyway?

And what's with bringing up biblical prophesies? Well Nostradamus had dire predictions too. Scientifically, what I see is our planet is overpopulated with humans and we are all stressed out. Disease, famine and viciously turning on each other is what would happen if you kept any large population of living creatures in a finite space. Science>>>>superstition.
Originally posted by Prowler@Dec 2 2004, 02:06 AM
I'll take a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness as my neighbor any day over an athiestic person who believes they have no one to answer to. Guess who'll be the better neighbor or person? The one who would help you out in times of need? I know most of my neighbors wouldn't, and that's because they've had no parent or religion to shape their values or morals.
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Hey man, that's just as bad a generalization as what Blanco said. Just because someone doesn't answer to a fictional deity written about in a book by some people a good number of years ago, it doesn't mean that said person is going to be lawless, without morals and/or lacking humanity. I'm somewhere in the neighborhood of agnostic, but I've called myself an atheist before as well. I'd like to think that a majority of atheists are good people, with a few weirdos and such, just like most Christians are good people, with a small group of fanatics and loonies.

On a related note, to say that someone who is religious will automatically help a neighbor or undoubtedly be a better person is short-sighted as well. I could give you several examples to the contrary.
Originally posted by 94RedSiGal@Dec 2 2004, 01:33 AM
Hey Guy... what's with this California story?

Declaration of Independence Banned at Calif School
[post=424983]Quoted post[/post]​

Well, when teaching about the constitution there is a big difference between teaching that our rights come from God, versus teaching that the framers of the constitution believed that they come from God (but at the same time still neglecting to mention that many of the founding fathers were Deists/Unitarians). I imagine he elected to teach the former and was, rightfully, reprimanded.