Get off your back

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someone had to do it, lol

they look like weirdo quakers or mormons.

i bet the mom feels like shit. no make-up, no clothes, no hair.

every woman needs a little fashion and style in their life. i bet she's bored as fuck. when the kids are out of the house, i bet she ends up doing something crazy like being a showgirl in vegas. lol
They have a tv show about this family actually on TLC.

"17 kids and counting. "

Now it will be 18 kids and counting.
my friend has 8 kids. I mean, he loves them and can name them and remembers their birthday - But for their birthday they get a candy bar. And they have to share it.

Everyone sits down at night and does homework, they all go to church (In a bus) and they all eat (Courtesy the taxpayers) What kills me is that they live in a public housing community, that's not .. sooo... bad but they outgrew the largest house in the neighborhood, so the state is buying them one of those guinea palace McMansions across town to keep them.
In 10 to 15 years we are going to see a breaking news alert about one of the daughters staring in a porno with Ron Jeremy. Mark my words. That is if he isnt dead by then.
Fuck 18 kids is ridiculous. Each one of them is probably going to crap out another 2-4 kids as well.
Fucking idiots, that's just way too many kids.
Ahh, the power of television. The reason these people can afford to live the way they do is because of all the women that tune in to the show. Ratings dollars at work. They surely get a kickback for having their entire lives on film. No different than the "John and Kate plus 8" people. Also on TLC (I know, my wife watches it). Free vacations, going on Oprah, all these ridiculous offers they wouldn't get if they weren't on TV. I couldn't afford to fly 3 people to Hawaii, much less if I had a wife and 8 kids. Then stay for a couple weeks, see all the sites, etc.

Jim Bob and his family are holy rolling conservative Christians, and will continue to have more kids because it's "God's plan". Then all those kids will do the same, and it will lead to another pile of idiots.
Ahh, the power of television. The reason these people can afford to live the way they do is because of all the women that tune in to the show. Ratings dollars at work. They surely get a kickback for having their entire lives on film. No different than the "John and Kate plus 8" people. Also on TLC (I know, my wife watches it). Free vacations, going on Oprah, all these ridiculous offers they wouldn't get if they weren't on TV. I couldn't afford to fly 3 people to Hawaii, much less if I had a wife and 8 kids. Then stay for a couple weeks, see all the sites, etc.

Jim Bob and his family are holy rolling conservative Christians, and will continue to have more kids because it's "God's plan". Then all those kids will do the same, and it will lead to another pile of idiots.

Absolutely sickening...
Ahh, the power of television. The reason these people can afford to live the way they do is because of all the women that tune in to the show. Ratings dollars at work. They surely get a kickback for having their entire lives on film. No different than the "John and Kate plus 8" people. Also on TLC (I know, my wife watches it). Free vacations, going on Oprah, all these ridiculous offers they wouldn't get if they weren't on TV. I couldn't afford to fly 3 people to Hawaii, much less if I had a wife and 8 kids. Then stay for a couple weeks, see all the sites, etc.

Jim Bob and his family are holy rolling conservative Christians, and will continue to have more kids because it's "God's plan". Then all those kids will do the same, and it will lead to another pile of idiots.

wrong, dad was a congressman and invested in commercial real estate. they are loaded.
I saw them for the first time last night. That mother is uglier than the north end of a south bound pug. She looks like a uterus with a mullet.