Gobble Gobble

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I'm just about that action Boss.
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all. Tell us your favorite food or holiday tradition.
I actually enjoy getting to see family and people I don't get to see all the time. Family came up from FL this year, haven't seen them in about 5 years. Friends were in from Canadia. Was just cool to get to hang out with all of them.

For traditions:
The last 10 or so years I've been in charge of frying a turkey (Mom does one in the oven, I do one in the fryer)
Frying the bird is fun
I stop by Tuesday help whip up the brines (ALWAYS brine your bird!!!) and get my measurement for how much oil I'm going to need for my bird
Then head back over Thursday. Dry the bird off, set up the fryer, get the oil hot, drop the bird, babysit that for 3-4 min/lb
Keeps me outside, away from the crowd of people.
I get to play with fire and stupidly hot oil.
People tend to enjoy the finished product :)

Weather held out this year, so had a fire going out in the yard and got to chill around that all night with people, just hanging out talking and having fun. This was a great year for Thanksgiving. One I will remember and smile about for years

This year I also discovered that hot mulled cider is infinitely better with Bulleit bourbon than Capt Morgan

:beer: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Hope you all had a great day as well.
Everything Is better with burbon.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

We went to my wife's sister's house. Haven't spent much time with them in a few years. It was good.

My boy ate carrots for the first time.
I didn't have to cook.
There was a lot of pie and ice cream ( this is relevant to the next comment).
I farted so bad on the drive home that I basically hung my own head out the window for 5 min. My poor wife and kid. Lol
Went to my parents. My mom doesn’t actually like kristen’s cooking so we didn’t have to do anything but desserts lol. Ate well. Next year we re hosting.
Happy Belated Thanksgiving - This year was rough. The little nugget came down with RSV so we have been dealing with that since Wednesday. Still got to see family but everything was dampened by watching her feel less than stellar.
Ugh. Rsv is scary. A friend's kid just had it too.
Yeah - The worst is watching her labor to breathe. There is literally nothing they can do to clear the congestion. We were in the ER Sunday and at her Pediatrician on Monday. No inhaler, no meds, no nebulizer will touch it. My wife and I have been taking shifts with her since Friday night to let her sleep elevated on our chest or in the swing so she can breathe a little easier. Luckily today when I came down this morning she was alert and giggly with my wife so I think she has turned the corner but that shit is scary.