gravity hill

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Sounds like a microwave leak from somewhere to me... The rising body temperatures, the lack of vegitation, the exploding wood... the scream and explosion could have been the wood in the cross whistling from releasing pressure due to moisture inside boiling then exploding.
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Aug 2 2004, 03:10 PM
That's what I thought too... then I saw the videotape.
[post=371537]Quoted post[/post]​

WTF!!!! hurry the fuck up :ph34r:

Edit: you happen to live in the Long Beach/Bixby Knolls area??
OK so we waited a few days... got home, decided that we'd better get it over with and watch the damn video. So we sit down in a well-lit room, around 1 in the afternoon, and plug in the video. We watched the whole thing - didn't want to miss a frame. So we were watching it, getting bored, waiting for the timestamp to show the time we were looking for.

Well it got there... and the freaky shit started happening. The darkness, the fog, everything was on camera. But that wasn't what scared me. A large, burly-looking dark figure with fiery red eyes lumbered into the clearing from the woods, looked at the cross, then shrieked. Shortly after, two others also appeared, then there was the flash, second shriek, and sound of wood splintering. The video was a little staticy but it was clear as to what we were looking at. Then the lights cut off. It was at this point I decided it was best to not have the tapes, so I took them both out back and crushed them, then burned them.

Now on to DarkHand's theory... it could have been a Microwave anomaly, but then how do you explain the black fog and "shadow creatures"? I think it is an electromagnetic or microwave anomaly, but I also believe that there is a dimension, or plane aside from ours - one where these shadow beings dwell. I think they use these points as beacons or gateways from from their plane to ours... whatever they are, I'm convinced that what I saw were "gatekeepers" of a sort, and they obviously didn't appreciate the large wooden effigy in their door. :P
wtf, you should have made copies and sold them... you pansy! :)
For the first thing, a debunk:

There are lots of "Gravity Hills" in the world. The route through the Adirondacks, I have an altimeter in my 4Runner, and yet I SWEAR the water runs uphill. Obviously, impossible.

Also, go outside and put baby powder on the back of your car. Now, blow it away with your breath. Voila ! Handprints !

You've been duped, friend. Grab a basketball and check out which way it goes on the exit ramp. It's all an optical illusion, backed with a little powder trick. (One of the oldest tricks in the book)

That's why the handprints were going everywhich way. They were your handprints, and even constant carwashes and waxes won't do it. If you wanna experiment, get some stuff called "Purple Magic". It's a polishing compound used by professional painters to get surfaces clean.

-> Steve
celerity that couldnt be our handprints, why? it was bigger then any of ours. (short asians). the handprints were positioned as if the person was standing on the passenger side next to the hood. we put bottles(2liter and 12oz i think) on the ground and they both rolled uphill.
Originally posted by K2e2vin@Aug 2 2004, 05:52 PM
celerity that couldnt be our handprints, why? it was bigger then any of ours. (short asians). the handprints were positioned as if the person was standing on the passenger side next to the hood. we put bottles(2liter and 12oz i think) on the ground and they both rolled uphill.
[post=371602]Quoted post[/post]​

Ok, forget things rolling uphill. Take a balancing beam, calibrated on a known flat surface, and then take it to the hill. You'll see that astonishing to your eyes, it will clearly point out that the bottles are going downhill. It's hard to believe, thats why we call it an optical illusion :)

Also, hand prints from just about anyone that has touched your car in the past few days. Wind and bits of sand in the air will take the prints off (As body guys know) just as compound or finishing polish will. Just try the powder thing with anyone's car, at any point. It'll find handprints all the time. The hoax is based on doing something common with the car, and people know that your hands often come in contact with your trunk, or hood which is also where you will push from.

Discussing this, if you guys in CT are interested, there is a spot on Rt 7 just over the MA border that has an optical illusion. Water on Rt 7 is flowing not only south to the Connecticut river, but also down hill as Massachussetts is gaining altitude. Yet, the water appears to move in a completely unexpected way.

If you're interested in other cartography illusions, my gf's exit from the highway is 2 exits North of my exit, yet I travel ONLY south / southwest to get to her house. I NEVER face northeast, not even for a second. I can do it with a compass, yet I look on the map and sure enough - It all makes sense. It's the land and the way the road moves through the hills that throws me off. On the map, the exit is true, yet she lives closer to the NY line than I do (Like, significantly.)

-> Steve
Blanco, I don't want anything to do with those videos. I'm glad they're gone, scary shit happened during the 2 days we had them... I think between the two of us (Jake and myself) we nearly died 4 times... each of us. Whatever was on those videos obviously knew that we had them, and wanted us quiet about it. I think within the week it happened I got about 4 hours sleep...
Also, since it happened, nothing really paranormal has happened to me or Jake, except every once in a great while, I'll wake up in a cold sweat, wide awake, and turn to look out my window and see those eyes staring at me from a couple roofs over. This leads me to believe that there's also a beacon somewhere in the forests in my area, and they're keeping an eye on me because I've seen them. I've lost a lot of sleep over this, and I can assure you, I am NOT bullshitting you people.

And B, you suck movies or not :P
oh, I know. I almost expect them now. They don't bother me and I don't bother them. I've told other people, too, and nothing life-threatening has happened.

About your story earlier, Blanco, I think I might know what it is you saw. Hit me up on AIM or something and we can discuss or something.
Alright guys time for me to tell my fucking stories, you have gotten me all scared and shit. Oh, and Battle Pope, about those goosebumps, I get them everytime I think about my "Adventures."

Ok so which to tell first, the Haunted Houses on Riverdale Road, or the Ridgehome Detention Center...

Ok, Riverdale. Just say that fuckin shit to yourself, Riverdale Road... Its fucking the creepiest name ev4r.The actual road has many horror stories about it, all of witch are accurate, I have personally experianced most of them. But those stories are for later. Ok, on Riverdale Rd. in Thornton CO, there are two abandon houses on the same property. One is a white, one level house with a lot of rooms, it actually appears to mabey have been a church at one point the way it is setup. This house is stupid, but I do have a scary story about this one too for later. The second house, is a large, very frighteningly scary two-story black colored house. It is actually made of wood, but it is soo old that it has turned to black. Now rumor has it, that a man used to kill people in the basement of this house and fill old jelly jars with there blood. And they say that he had a cat that used to meow right before anyone was murdered inside. Ok, creepy enough. So me and 3 of my friends go to this house. It was like 11:00pm or so and we get there, on the way there, we passed the house, so I go to turn around in the middle of the street, there were no cars coming and all of a sudden when I am in the middle of the street, the wrong way, a car comes super close to hitting us, not even slowing down. I did a reverse burnout in a 1990 GMC Safari Van to get outta the way. So we're already a little scared. So we go up to this house, and the first thing we see is a decapitated doll of a baby crucified to the door. Ok, getting better... So after some screaming and some running and the worst escape attempt of getting in the van, we regrow our testicles and go back to the house. Before we went in, we found a screen from a window on the ground and we tear it apart and each of us take a border peice for a weapon. Now inside the house, weird shit starts happening. The two cell phones that we have die. The flashlight keeps flickering wanting to die, but it never does. We first explore the ground level, nothing too exciting, just weird shit, and a shitload of shotgun shells. Everywhere. We also shut an lock the door to the basement. Just in case... Then we went upstairs, upstairs was baisically like the ground level, but the thing that was fucked up about the upstairs was this. I was entering this one room, I was leading cause I had the only flashlight, and all of a sudden I feel something start digging its way into my four fingers holding my weapon. It was the material from the screen, the cable shit and if it would've tightened anymore, I would only have a thumb to type this with. So I say someone is stepping on this shit, and they need to get off of it, but noone was, It was actually caught and tangled damn good on a screw that was higher than my head. But it had been dragging on the floor the whole time, and that happened in about as much time as it takes to walk through a doorway.... Odd...

Well we eventually grow the cajones to venture into the basement. Now this is fuckin scary, because I am the youngest, smallest and I am the one that has to go first when I almost lost my fingers 10 minutes earlier. To hurry this story up, we get into the basement, where it is just flooded with dead crow carcasses. Some fresh, some old. And back tucked in the far corner of the basement is a little tiny workroom no larger than a walk-in closet. Inside were a lot of jars with dried red fluids in them and Many, MANY shotgun shells, bullet-holes in the walls, and the walls were bloodstained. Needless to say we ran the fuck outta that place.

Now stupid fucking us, we notice that way back behind to house, past some creepy old horse stables and a stuffed bear that had been lynched from the rafters, was a large oldtime airplane hanger. "Oh, lets go see whats in there."

We never made it.

We were walking, looking around when all of a sudden my friend Scott was like,"Did you guys hear that? It sounded like a door creaking." We were like, "Knock it off Scott," but then I heard it and told everyone to shut the fuck up. In less than 5 secs. of everyone quieting down, we ALL heard a cat meow!!!!! This was no fucking Garfeild meow either, a dreadful, horrifying meow. Needless to say, we were much better getting in the van the second time and getting the fuck outta there.

Well, I am tired of typing, I will type the story about Ridgehome up tommorrow.
Whether I believe any of this or not, these will all make for some awesome campfire stories to freak everyone out with. :D :D
Just hope there's no gateway around... you might be in for more than you bargained for.
Ill work on gettin the pics posted up and what not... my friend has it all.... but seriously... I believe everything that has been said.. even just a little bit... after what has happened to me on many different instances... I know its all real...

Battle... When I went to St Louis... I went to church that my father went to as a child... He went to this church for 18 years... His best friend's family were the caretakers of the old place and lived next door to the church.... that family still lives in that house and still takes car of the church. Anyway... while he was about 10 years old he was playing football in the backyard... his friend went inside for water.. and he was outside alone... he was messing around and something in the church caught his eye... he looked up and say a LARGE shadowy figure walking from window to window on the basement of the church... back and forth between some but in a constant movement. He stood up and looked a little hard... the figures head moved and saw my father and ducked behind a pillar.

my father told me this story when I was headed to that church with him... I saw the figure... and told him about it.. he said it was time to leave... It lived in the coal room of the old church and has been there for almost 50 years...... and to my knowledge its still there....
This thread sucks without the campfire.

So lemme get this straight, Pope. You have the fucking Mothman prophecies looking at you while you sleep, "and (you're) starting to get comfortable with it"

-> Steve

Indrid Cold, man.. Indrid Cold.