Happy B-day Celerity

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That pug kinda looks like me too.

Thanks guys, I kinda forgot about my birthday this year (Getting that age I guess). Today my sister and mother are coming down from assachussetts, and I'm just gonna do a quiet dinner with family. It's odd, I've lost my taste for booze.

But even moreso, I haven't lost my taste for tossing shit at my neighbor's house. I should celebrate by pounding pennies into their trees, and salting their yard.... Again..

Ah... Tradition.

Better yet, for the first time in 9 months I am up for 4 hot jobs. If I get one of those, this will be the best birthday EVAR !

-> Steve
Don't worry man- I have the exact same attitude as you when it comes to birthdays, and you're only about a year older than me. You're just growing up.

Originally posted by Calesta@Jun 23 2004, 11:00 AM
Don't worry man- I have the exact same attitude as you when it comes to birthdays, and you're only about a year older than me. You're just growing up.


I'm older than you ?!

-> Steve