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whoah Jeffies gonna b mad at u idmax for stealin his boooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyy
Jeeze, give her a break guys. Yes its true she is very pretty, but that also means she probably cant go out in public for more than 5 mins w/out somebody bein like, "hey baby", or "what's y0 #?"

Its mad ghey if you ask me - just give her a break and let her be here without harrassing her.
Thats what I am saying, she doesnt mind hearing that she is beautiful, but when people just wanna fuck, she prolly doesn't say "oooh all these guys want to fuck me, YAY!" ( :hitit: )
Thats what I am saying, she doesnt mind hearing that she is beautiful, but when people just wanna fuck, she prolly doesn't say "oooh all these guys want to fuck me, YAY!"

i know plenty of girls who like that, they arent the best people in the world. if your thinking it keep it to yourself, you get much more respect that way.
Exactly, lets show some some respect. how many of us would pose in a thong for the entire world to see???

i would, I'd do it for 200 bucks. But that's cause I'm a manwhore and don't give a fuck. Shit I wouldn't and dont care what people think about me
Originally posted by Hatchbacks Anonymous@Jan 16 2004, 05:57 PM
Thats what I am saying, she doesnt mind hearing that she is beautiful, but when people just wanna fuck, she prolly doesn't say "oooh all these guys want to fuck me, YAY!" ( :hitit: )

i know. that wasnt directed at you. B)