Help A Brother Out.......

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New Member
all right HONDA/ACURA gurus.. need nelp on this one. my friend has a 92 teg and the car has a b16 head swap to it. the freakin car wont start. it was running fine, but after 4-5 months with out starting it just wouldnt fire up.

things that we have checked:

main relay
other fuses and relays
distributor assy

it cranks but wont fire there is spark and fuel, tried 2 ecu's

if you can think of anything else please advise asap. dont like seeing HONDA'S or ACURA'S sittin

much respect
have you tried to just jump it?

i did a head swap on my mirage... drove in, swapped heads, new HG and upgraded head, tried to start it and it would not. we had to jump it to get it to start the first time.

the car basically was off for about 12 hours during the ordeal. sometimes that little extra helps.
all good, including main relay. took my main relay and put it in his car, still didnt start. battery fuse and all in working condition. we did however try again and it started, idled but when stepped on the gas it died, also has trouble going up hill, step on the gas and no throttle response......any other idea's i hate seeing hondas and acuras out of commission!