Help Me With My Tranny!

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Hey What Up People?
I have a '94 GSR Tranny sitting in my garage right now, i bought it from some dude. he said it needed a new Differential, so i bought it and bought a LSD, anyways, my problem is opening that thing! i took out all the bolts holding the casing, and tried prying it open, no dice! WTF? anybody with info please help me, i can get it open like 1 inch but i dont know what to do,
well thanx in advance to all of you.

on the case unscrew a large plug with a 1/2 in drive ratchet. their will be a snap ring around a bearing. pry open the snap ring and pull up on the case.
yup. it's the snap ring..

it'll be in here:

Alright thanx alot guys,
im gunna go bust that open then,
i'll let you know whats going on.
thanx again!
Have fun putting it back together, the last one i did, I spent a good 3 hours fighting with that damn snap ring trying to get it to slide back over the counter shaft bearing.
the kid above me is an idiot.. we swapped the fifth gear to an LS one in my itr tranny in an hour and a half.