HELP me!!

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I just picked up my b16a1 engine from and the engine that they gave me, well i know there used and all, but like it had aftermarket sparkwires and plugs and stuff. and the front clip of the car was outside and the car had this werid shattered glass decal off the hood. DO you guys think i got some shit ass b16a1 that is already raced out. Fuck i dunno what do you guys think. The shop that was going to do the swap felt the oil inside and said that the oil seemed ok and couldn't noticed any burnt smell inside the engine. But he cna't tell if its jacked up or not cause he's not gonna take the engine apart for me. What do you guys think? Bad B16a1 and i just wasted my fucken money? :blink:
we all know what though jdm motors are all about thay don`t take care of them over there and they beat the shit out of them if you have extra cash I`d go though it
Go through the engine - rings and bearings are cheap when the engine is out of the car. They're easy to do yourself and will pay off in the long run.
Its always fun to run the shit outta your can for a year in japan because they are gaurenteed a new engine every 30000 miles. Bastards <_<
So you think my fucken B16 is bad. SHit i dont' have money to go through the pistons and rings. Those fuckers. i spent a gang of moeny. NOw i'm all paranoid about those fucken red spark wires. Shit... But isn't it hard as fuck to blow the engine and ship it over? Do you guys really think my engine isn't relable then?
Is there any other way of noticing when my engine is bad? like any signs of sounds. I mean what could be usu what is wrong wtih the engine. CUase what i am hearing is that the b16a's are really sturdy. I never hear that there like blowing in like 2 months or soemthing. ya know. So what do you guys think?
holy shit ... just fire the engine in and try it out ... so it had sparkplug wires ... thats not a big deal .... if it was all wired up for N2O id be a bit worried but its JUST wires that doesnt mean the car has been beat to hell just that someone for whatever reason decided the stock wires needed replacing .... calm yourself ... may i suggest decaff for a little while :)
Originally posted by TrueStifmeister@Oct 4 2002, 12:21 PM
Its always fun to run the shit outta your can for a year in japan because they are gaurenteed a new engine every 30000 miles. Bastards <_<

Damn, and here I was thinking that they BOUGHT new engines/cars every 30k or so miles because the cost of ownership became too high. :unsure:
Originally posted by THiroshima83@Oct 7 2002, 02:51 AM
So you think my fucken B16 is bad. SHit i dont' have money to go through the pistons and rings. Those fuckers. i spent a gang of moeny. NOw i'm all paranoid about those fucken red spark wires. Shit... But isn't it hard as fuck to blow the engine and ship it over? Do you guys really think my engine isn't relable then?

shoulda read our article on jdm vs usdm motors.


I would never buy one
fucken shit guys.. you guys make me feel like shit now... that i wasted my fucken money. Great so you guys don't suggest i take it on a damn 400 mile trip. damn it. i guess i got ripped off. and no i love caffenine. just that my dad is gonna have my ass if something happens to the engine. :blink:
have you even put the engine in yet ? tested it? started it? driven with it? .... why are you so ready to call it a total loss????
cause everyone is like telling me bad things about it. but no it will be done on friday. any signs i should look or hear for?
fuck what everyone says... its their oppinion ... do you listen to all the people that tell you hondas suck??? ... how many of the people that are telling you JDM engines are shit actually have one or have had one??? dont take oppinions so much to heart
I bought a JDM B16 for parts to use in my LSVTEC, the only thing that was wrong with it when I got it was the knock sensor was hosed. Other than that the motor was in great shape.