I dont know

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Originally posted by HondaMoCo+May 14 2004, 12:08 PM-->
@May 14 2004, 11:45 AM
omg...u 2 are fucking dumbtarded

u see, lots of us are regulars..and most of the regulars are good friends. when business needs to be done, they are serious and get shit done; when not, its fun to joke around and have a good time talking to eachother. no one cares about you and whatever u tried to ask/say, so were gonna have some fun with it.

see what i did there, i used 4 commas, a semi-colon, a 3 period series, and 3 periods, and a slash. that makes this legible.


your a fag


see the thing is is that nobody wants to help somebody that...
1. has a problem
2. goes to the computer
3. types in honda at a search engine
4. finds honda swap
5. realizes they cant make a post without being a member
6. makes a member name like poopasshat322425223
7. then writes a post while at the same time, smokin a cigarette, jacking off, and cooking a cheesburger
8. so the post looks like this
"teg xsi problem start,dwi start, no run,poop fart then diewhat you guys thunk"
9.then when people get mad cause they cant understand you, you say
"fwuk yo guys studumb,i have 12 secdaily drive car with10 motgers"

I mean lets look at this in a real life situation, lets say you are in the mall, trying to find fredricks of hollywood so you can buy your boyfrind that elephant thong. So you get there and you cant find the thong. So you mosey on over to the front counter where that hot girl is and you start slobbering with your hand down your pants fingering your pussy and you say

"poop shwiet cant find the elephant boy have bug cockhlepfind shit"

so the clerk says "excuse me"

then you say "fwuuuuuuk uh uh awwnana maaaann fuckshit cock poopamofo" and you drop your pants and run outta the store

I mean lets face it, your gonna get beat up at least, if not thrown in jail

well thats what these boys are doin, beating ya up.

That might be the best post ever on HS. :worthy:
all you kids need to STFU
take this stupid bullshit to PM
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