I might have to ban cali and NY

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It won't happen. Not yet.

it already IS in law in newyork.!

amazon sued and LOST!

see, its not the site... its our vendors and such who sell things who have a presence in those 2 states. And i don't even want to know if this is going to extend to private sales (aka the classifieds).

It's a nightmare waiting to happen, and i simply don't have the resources nor budget to comply....
i dont really see how they could mess with private sells of something like the classifieds.
i don't see how sales tax affects you
you do not sell anything to people in california

this is aim'ed at internet product sellers

required to collect sales tax on orders received from within California
i'm not 100% sure, but i do believe advertising is not subject to sales tax
got bored... hahah

AB 178 would provide that out-of-state companies which maintain a network in California and thus have a presence in the state
can someone clarify this part to me.

The bill exempts businesses doing less than $10,000 in business in the state.
1) means that if you are mutli-branch, and have an office or any other prescense in cali--- even if its not a store, that you must collect tax from residents of that state who purchase from your main store, even if its not in cali.

2) if you don't make 10k, its not worth their paperwork time to track you... similar to taxes, if you don't make 4k, you don't have to file at all.
IMO, this is going to hurt both cali and new york even more.

If i had multi divisions, i'd be closing shop in cali in new york if i didn't 100% need them.

Which then turns to more layoffs and less jobs available, more housing collapse, etc etc.

way to go you fucking democrats. morons.
now what if the users from Cali or NY use a proxy server to view HS? would HS have to pay the proxy server who then pays Cali and NY or does just the proxy server pay the 2 states?
I was being fetious about banning... This won't effect the site in any way, except for when stickers, shirts, etc are available... However, it WILL effect most of our vendors, and may put a damper on advertising efforts which will put a damper on HS revenue, which could lead to HS closing because i'm not fronting $600 a month out of my own pocket to keep this place running.
IMO, this is going to hurt both cali and new york even more.

If i had multi divisions, i'd be closing shop in cali in new york if i didn't 100% need them.

Which then turns to more layoffs and less jobs available, more housing collapse, etc etc.

way to go you fucking democrats. morons.
i think you're going a little too far with this
they are just trying to recoup their lost sales tax revenue from internet sales
for instance, if I buy from best buy.com I pay ny sales tax
or if i buy from amazon I pay NY sales tax

this was implemented in NY when we were still republican run so you can get off that box right now
we've had something called a Sales and Use tax on NY income tax returns for the last 3 or 4 years at least
its tax based on your income to recoup the lost sales from online purchases
From what I understand is this; Someone who lives in Alabama buys something from a California based company, the company has to charge the Alabama resident California sales tax.
From what I understand is this; Someone who lives in Alabama buys something from a California based company, the company has to charge the Alabama resident California sales tax.
i beleive its the exact opposite ...

someone in cali buys from alabama, the alabam business needs to charge cali sales tax and report to cali their sales earnings.

which means, if i were a small alabama shop, i'd reject orderers from cali, because the paperwork/hassel/etc of filing ANOTHER state's sales taxes isn't worth my time.
I'm dislexic what can I say? haha I didn't really read the article.

I just don't see how thats legal. Thats like saying Nevada has to collect sales tax on purchases by California residents while they're visiting Carson City, Reno or Las Vegas. California has no jurisdiction.