I need a bottle...

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Fuckin' A, the ass jack hammer in the cubicle next to me is the biggest goddamn GayMan in the world. He's married to a gorgeous woman, but he's got the gayest fucking mullet ever and acts like a fucking fag. Not hating on homosexuals, but this dude is a fucking flamer. I have to listen to his cock sucking mouth all day talking about the dumbest shit to whoever the poor bastards are on the other end of the line, and whenever he comes over to talk to me, he gets REAL close. I'm talking like, less than two feet.

Does anyone have a bottle of Homo-B-Gone? This dude is just really starting to piss me off. I dunno... maybe I should befriend him so I can bang his wife... Hmm...
that would be the best thing ever....i wouldnt want to see it cuz i dont want to see you naked....
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Apr 16 2004, 09:35 AM
put your helmet on. bang her.

that would be classic.


I bet you actually went to see if bangplane.com was registered :)
Originally posted by Slammed90Lude@Apr 16 2004, 09:19 AM
bwahahahaha- DO IT, take his wife for a ride in the airplane and then take her behind the hanger and tap that ish y0

:hitit: :moon: IDB :ph34r:

Just don't fuck with his stapler. mumbles " I could set the building on fire." :P
hahaha... this fucking guy is on the phone right now trying to spell something to someone, and he's going "P as in peter!" I'm like, yeah, I bet P as in peter, you fucking cock smoker...
Actually, Celery, I'd like to cancel my subscription, because I can't deal with your issues anymore!
Originally posted by Loco Honkey@Apr 16 2004, 12:44 PM
hahaha... this fucking guy is on the phone right now trying to spell something to someone, and he's going "P as in peter!" I'm like, yeah, I bet P as in peter, you fucking cock smoker...

:ghey: sounds to me like he could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
its only fun working next to a faggot at your job if you got another co-worker to sit there with you and make fun of him.

otherwise that shit is annoying.
I don't dislike homosexuals. I don't like them either. I don't have a problem with someone being gay. Hell, one of my friends is gay.

I just don't like this guy. He happens to act incredibly gay. I'm not even sure if he IS gay or not. Tough shit for him.
its like, do "normal" people "act straight"? no. they jsut do their thing.

just because you suck dick doesn't mean you have to put on a fuckiong act. and that pisses me off.
well to add to this subject.....


working under a dyke.

EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DYKE I ever worked under.....

has HATED my fucking guts.

From day one, they just try and run my ass into the ground.
Originally posted by Tonyd0821@Apr 16 2004, 01:59 PM
well to add to this subject.....


working under a dyke.

EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DYKE I ever worked under.....

has HATED my fucking guts.

From day one, they just try and run my ass into the ground.

Maybe that's because they regard you as a dildo substitute and nothing else. :P