I want your oppinion

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Hands Off my Balls
ok, so i have been searching for a honda for some time now, i finaly came across this...

H22A4 1997 Honda Prelude

i was looking for some input on it, what do you guys think about it, if i were to buy it, i would get a new paint job after i had the motor checked b/c the ad says "uses more oil than it should."

was curious if there is anything bad about this model i should be looking out for.... and no it is not Type SH (i wish it was though)

depending on the miles its prolly the piston rings. some honda blocks have FRM sleeves and the h22 is one of them. and as far as an sh there only better is u plan to autocross. the parts are more limited and arent as good for drag if thats what u plan to do on the weekends