i'm fucking fat

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Originally posted by 2000Si@Jun 8 2005, 11:38 PM

that also depends on your metabolism starting out as well. I could eat every two hours of the most fattening foods and lose 5 pounds by the end of the day after I complete taking a giant shit.

But on the flip side I eat a lot of sugars and candy, i drink a lot of pop and i just started smoking again :( stupid habit, but the stress has been killin me. I pulled a muscle last march from workin 70 hours a week.

Of course the calories in versuses calories expended depends on your metabolism. Thats your BMR. Some people at 150lbs can eat 3000calories and not gain weight and others can eat 1500calories and gain loads of weight. You just have to figure out what your maintenance calories are and if you're trying to gain weight eat in excess of maintenance and trying to lose weight then eat less than maintenance...simple.
How do you determine what that calorie number is, where if you eat more calories you gain weight and eat less calories you lose weight?

Your weight and height? Is there a chart or something?
i tried to go for a walk yesterday but after the n2o install i did many 3rd gear pulls on the local toll road (its empty after 8pm) and i did not get home until 11:45...and then i cheated...its my wifes fault ...lol..i was content...but she came home with half a quesadilla from hooters...now mind you i had just smoked a joint 1hr prior....need less to say IINHAILEDIT.....

its harder that i thought but i didnt go to sleep until 1:45 and i ate at 12:00...any way i'm going to the wanna be big forum and search for a fat burning routine...and other things
but she came home with half a quesadilla from hooters...now mind you i had just smoked a joint 1hr prior....need less to say IINHAILEDIT.....

chain smoking helps the munchies
i think that a healthy diet basically consists of not eating a lot of processed foods.

eat fresh lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and stay away from high fructose corn syrup, which isn't sugar, but a cheap sugar substitute starch. oh yea, and grill your meats. that's what i consider a healthy diet. too bad i don't abide by it :P
Originally posted by dveit@Jun 9 2005, 01:35 AM
How do you determine what that calorie number is, where if you eat more calories you gain weight and eat less calories you lose weight?

Your weight and height? Is there a chart or something?
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There's different formulas as you will see, and they're just general because every person is different.
well...i'm never going to loose weight....lol.....

this weekend, i ate and ate and ate and then i ate some more......for some reason i have no self control....but i realy want to loose weight .....from this day forth i shall not eat sweet sandwiches and ohh so good ice cream....or pancakes in the mourning ....why must i love food so much?....
Originally posted by formby@Jun 13 2005, 08:25 AM
well...i'm never going to loose weight....lol.....

this weekend, i ate and ate and ate and then i ate some more......for some reason i have no self control....but i realy want to loose weight .....from this day forth i shall not eat sweet sandwiches and ohh so good ice cream....or pancakes in the mourning ....why must i love food so much?....
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I've got a diet for ya - It's called PUT DOWN THE FORK.

Originally posted by pissedoffsol+Jun 8 2005, 01:09 PM-->
Originally posted by Estorvito@Jun 8 2005, 01:27 PM
@Jun 8 2005, 01:24 PM
6' 255
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i'm really not that fat though... yeah i got a gut and shit, but i'm not a turd....

this was taken last august the week before i was tuning the sol... im the tool with the orange shirt on.


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is that a steak and cheese your about to eat

im fat and happy and healthy
im like 6'1 or somthing and 240lbs
and i luv it
i don't look that fat
but i can loose like 30 more lbs just to plow more beatches
Yo, seriously I've lost like 75lbs this year alone the right way. I was at 278lbs June 20, 2004 and now I'm down to 202lbs and its June 15, 2005. I'm getting down to weight for the Army. I know our routines might be different but I'm willing to bet you are a late night eater/snacker as I was. If you really want to lose weight don't eat anything after 5pm if you sleep anywhere from 10pm-12am. Cut out all the sodas, soft drinks and what. That includes gatorade cuz that shit isn't healthy unless you can burn off some of the energy. To be honest, you might need to jump start your metabolism from the start; so, you might have to go on a shitty diet. Do the No Carb diet for 2 months straight, it'll be hard. Drink lots of water. If you do it right you'll know cuz you'll be shitting yellow liquid, if you aren't drinking enough water you'll be constipated. Do that diet for no more than 3 months because you can develop intestine problems which may lead to cancer. Not going to lie, you are going to feel very tired some days cuz your body is adjusting and now using some of your fat reserves as energy. Limit what you eat when you get off of it. I think I saw on your post that you eat rice, don't eat that or limit it to very small qauntities. - Little asian people have killer metabolism and thats why they can eat so much of it. Also you want to exercise. If you want to cheat the system and it'll probably work, go to the a recruiter office and tell them you are thinking about joining, usually most of them do entensive P.T sessions with future soldiers on weekends (these P.T sessions do work). When you get to your ideal weight just tell them you like your job too much to quit. Exercise a lot when you have time so that you dont have extra skin. Remember if you're cheating on the diet you are only cheating yourself. The first place you should see a difference is your neck and the rest will start to follow.

Extra Note: Recruiters will tell you to use the No Carb diet too but they won't tell you to get off of it.


Left to Right: approx. 250lbs, approx. 225lbs , 202lbs.
Well to add on this lol I know you were talking about a hondaswap weight challenge (pretty funny lol) before I started MY diet i weighed at 265 (im 17 I might add) now with a little bit of not eating alot and working out a little im down to 225 in a matter of a month or so...not bad I hope to keep losing weight but I just got a job at Pizza Hut UH OH! lol
since I have got out of school, I have dropped 12lbs and hopefully I can drop another ten by the end of the summer. Its all about smaller portions (only one packet of oatmeal in the mornnig vs two) no pop, I haven't drank since school got out (theres an easy 4000 calories gone per week) sweating my ass of at work helps too.

well, i keep having problems with the eating late...however i found the culprit...THE MUNCHIES.....if i dont smoke, i dont get hungry....so i cant smoke after i eat dinner ...fuck

.i've been walking around my neghtborhood for like 1hr...i'l slowly get back into joggin...i used to run 5 miles a week broken down to 2times a day...nothing major but it workedi cant afford a membership but i'll work out at the apt' gym....

however i still eat late...and i found a new asian restaurant...mmmmmasianmmmmmm
Haha, motherfuckers, I AM THE FATTEST!!! 5'11'' and I hover between 270-280. Fuck, I need to lose weight. Refer to my profile for a picture of this fat fucker right here.
Originally posted by dohch22a4@Jun 15 2005, 09:04 PM
Haha, motherfuckers, I AM THE FATTEST!!! 5'11'' and I hover between 270-280. Fuck, I need to lose weight. Refer to my profile for a picture of this fat fucker right here.
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haha, thats a good picture.