I'm getting some money and I want some power!

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Hey guys, I need some help. I am getting $1700 and I want some power for my 98 DX CPE. I need help to make a list of mods for my car. I have a completely bone stock DX. I want HHHHPPPPPP! 106hp isn't cuttin' it. Can someone help me?
Originally posted by slohnda@Sep 30 2002, 10:07 AM
keep saving your money for a nice swap B)

shit, thats enough for an LS swap :)
i paid $1200 for mine... since you need a newer one, 1700 will probably be right on target
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Sep 30 2002, 09:58 AM
i paid $1200 for mine...

where at? whats a reputable place to buy from?
I was thinking about doing an LS swap originally but I was also thinking about pimpin out the dx. I think if I got a CAI, 3" piping, dc header, aem fuel rail & filter, Clutch master kit, cam, etc. Then in a couple of months I will be getting some more money and I will be saving for a turbo and getting a dry shot of nos to spool it when needed.
you can get an ls at your local junkyard
thats where i got that price from...
locally, www.terryvilleauto.com was my source- they called www.jbap.com and had a motor shipped from them in NY to my local yard in CT and then i had a guy there deleiver it to my door- for 1200 :)
Originally posted by Liquidblaze@Sep 30 2002, 10:44 AM
I was thinking about doing an LS swap originally but I was also thinking about pimpin out the dx. I think if I got a CAI, 3" piping, dc header, aem fuel rail & filter, Clutch master kit, cam, etc. Then in a couple of months I will be getting some more money and I will be saving for a turbo and getting a dry shot of nos to spool it when needed.

you dont want to buy a dc header and the go turbo it a big watse of money