I'm moving!

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Just gave my 2 weeks notice today. About a month from now, we'll be living in Wilmington, NC. Packing up the house as we speak. My desk is tonight, so no more intardnet. (Well, except the laptop.)

I'm so excited. We're leaving this shit town!

I was just in Valdosta, I'd want to leave too =P. Not too far of a drive to hit a nicer part of GA, though. Good luck =D
Wilmington, NC is a pretty nice town...hell pretty much all of NC is really nice. better than this shit hole of a state called Indiana....
yeah my wife will graduate with a BFA in mass media video or some crap. She wants to make tv shows and movies and stuff. They have screen gems studios there and a bunch of shows shoot around there and out of there. The writer's strike has pretty much dicked her over atm. She got an e-mail back from HBO saying they'd like to employ her for little britain, but the writer's strike is preventing them from doing anything right now. So that blows.

We visited a while back, it was a pretty rad town. The beaches were really nice. My plans? Find a salvage yard with some EF's. Ours only has beatdown wagovans. Get a temp job, go to school. I don't really know yet. I'd like to work at Dunder Mifflin Paper Co., but it's a fictional place, so I'll see what I can get. I'm def. going back to school once we get our shit together. Cutting grass and recycling sux. public works is no place for me. I'm gonna have skin cancer by the time I'm 30.

So 2 more weeks until she graduates. A couple days after that we go on a 5 day cruise to Key West and the Bahamas. Then I hitch the hatch to the moving truck, and we're off!