Is this professional?

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Junior Member

Why are you guys so mean? Couldn't you just be professional and lock the thread and not be an asshole?

I know I was an asshole (but I don't care) in the b16a pole but, you guys have some authority around here, doesn't that mean you should also be respectful towards other car enthusiasts? Especially if they aren't being assholes towards anybody? Some of these guys are just learning and they probably don't know any better. wtf?

I know....LOCKED.
It's simple web edicit mang, type in english (or something resembling it), follow the forum rules (IE double posting, posting in the right colum, yada yada), and finally don't try to act like your all that (not an accusation, rather a general statement based on how N00bs usualy act).

The owner of this site makes, I mean pays , good money for this site :lol: and wasting bandwidth is just bad. BTW, this belongs in the "member's corner" forum as it is not swap related
dont take it personally. just stick to the forum rules and post in the proper forum and your topics wont get locked. we are trying to keep the site focused and running efficiently.
Further, there is a nice little set of forum rules that you have to agree to to create a user ID, and these people were not following the rules.

Getting on to someone, being a dick, etc, is overuse of authority, and I don't appologize. We expect you to follow the rules you accept, or accept the punishment and ridiculing.

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