It's -15F in Chicago tonight (Without the wind chill)

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-9, -33 WC Last night and we were out ont the snowmobiles. ^_^ We were dressed for it though.
Hey guys, it was +5c here which I think is about 40 f? And about 2-3 weeks ago it was -35c with the wind chill putting us in the -45s. I just bought some insulated coveralls for work and they are the bomb. I just need some better boots and I'll be set.
I was in Lake Placid all weekend. When I pulled up Friday night it was 0 degrees without a wind chill factored in. I took a piss in a snow bank, Brian pushed me, I missed my yellow snow, but normal white snow of that temperature on my man parts made me scream like a little girl. Was single digits all weekend and it dipped under 0 a few times too.
It's a balmy 23 degrees today.

Wind chill was -45 when I made the first post, and it's going all the way up to 40 next week. That's an increase of 85 degrees! Practically swimmin' weather!
haha I know right? It was only 15 here with a windchill in the single digits, but it still feels a WHOLE lot better outside.

When it gets into the negatives and you step outside for more than .25 seconds, it feels like your pants are freezing and if you move they'll break into little denim chunks.