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I'd have to say that Ad was edited to reflect not what John Kerry said or supports but to change your polital opinion , sort of like Fahrenheit 911.
it distorts the facts.
Originally posted by CRX-YEM@Oct 9 2004, 01:17 PM
I'd have to say that Ad was edited to reflect not what John Kerry said or supports but to change your polital opinion , sort of like Fahrenheit 911.
it distorts the facts.
[post=400523]Quoted post[/post]​

you can't distort what the man says, he said everything that is in that ad, he's a very confused man. and it didn't change my political opinion, it just made me dislike him even more. he's already on my bad side due to comments he's made about the US Military. i know this is now gonna turn into a big bush/kerry debate, kinda like the other threads, everybody has their own opinions, and this is mine.
Taking things out of context distorts the truth regardless of whether or not you agree with those things.
im trying to figure out how you spelled 'kerry' with a 'u'....the 'u' is way the fuck across the keyboard from the 'e'

simple i did it on purpose
Edit: and those quotes arent spliced together like F9/11 or BOC was
Originally posted by MaaseyRacer@Oct 9 2004, 02:31 PM
Oh my god a bunch of out of context and chopped up quotes.
[post=400536]Quoted post[/post]​

Which is why I'm not voting. I don't have time to sort through all the bullshit presented by both sides, so I don't know what to believe. If they'd just cut the bullshit and be straight, I'd pay attention. But, both sides lie, so fuck 'em. I'm not voting.

Edit- this is going to be my ONE post about this whole shitstorm trainwreck called Election '04...

My stance on Iraq is this... let's say Saddam opened up his borders and let the inspectors in. They find nothing. Good boy, Saddam, we'll lift our sanctions on you. So now what? It's public knowledge that Saddam doesn't have shit, and Iran knows this. Iran is to Iraq what Russia was to us in the '80s. So don't you think that if you were Saddam and your military strength was now exposed, and you had the sanctions lifted, you'd be turning out nukes like Hostess Twinkies? Hell yeah we did the right thing by going in there. Remember 911? No you don't. On September 12th, we could have had a public hanging of every Arab person in the US right on the Whitehouse lawn, and it would have gotten near total approval by the citizens of the US. We wanted blood. We told Bush, "go get 'em, man. By any means nessicary. Draw blood! Let's roll!" You talk about Kerry flip flopping? What the fuck about the war on terrorism? Oh, sure, Iraq didn't fly planes into the Trade Center, but guess what... Germany didn't bomb Pearl Harbor, either! So let's say we vote for Kerry and he wins. We're in the MIDDLE OF A FUCKING WAR, PEOPLE! Do you want this douschebag flip flopper making the call on Iraq? We're in it, and we need The Man to get it done. If we pull out now, it's going to be a fucking HOTBED for terrorists, and it's only going to get worse.

Now, I'm pissed about the job situation. Bush fucked that one up big time. I helped my dad call Dell tech support (yes, he needs help doing even that!), and we're fucking calling India! Hey, when I buy an AMERICAN computer, I want to speak to an AMERICAN person. Not some fucking Jibjab Jaheeb ex 7-11 employee! My ex gf (the one who's stalker I almost killed back in January) lost her job because it got farmed out overseas. That's fucking bullshit, man. How are you supposed to sell products if the people you're marketing them towards can't afford it BECAUSE YOU LAID THEM OFF!?!?!? Hey, how about this... we all move to India, because that's where the jobs are, and give the US the big finger from across the way? Maybe I should start sending my taxes over to India instead of Washington? I mean, how's that any different than what they're doing to us?

To me, those are the two real issues in this whole pile of bullshit, and neither can come straight with what they're going to do.

I'm not saying I'm voting for Bush. The guy's an uneducated simp. But he knows how to get the job done. I'm not saying I'm voting for Kerry. He's a mindless horseface. But he has three purple hearts.

I'm done. Discuss what I've said as you will, but this has been my one politcal post. BTW- I farted three times during the creation of this post.
Originally posted by nfn15037@Oct 9 2004, 02:37 PM
Taking things out of context distorts the truth regardless of whether or not you agree with those things.
[post=400527]Quoted post[/post]​


this thread sucks.
Hahaha, what's funny is if this was about Bush, everyone would be like "HAHAHAHAHA, so true"
Originally posted by Loco Honkey+Oct 9 2004, 05:53 PM-->
@Oct 9 2004, 02:31 PM
Oh my god a bunch of out of context and chopped up quotes.
[post=400536]Quoted post[/post]​

Which is why I'm not voting. I don't have time to sort through all the bullshit presented by both sides
[post=400575]Quoted post[/post]​

then you can't complain about shit PERIOD. Its a little time consuming to sort through the facts, but thats when you learn about the canidate.
Originally posted by asmallsol+Oct 9 2004, 07:54 PM-->
Originally posted by Loco Honkey@Oct 9 2004, 05:53 PM
@Oct 9 2004, 02:31 PM
Oh my god a bunch of out of context and chopped up quotes.
[post=400536]Quoted post[/post]​

Which is why I'm not voting. I don't have time to sort through all the bullshit presented by both sides
[post=400575]Quoted post[/post]​

then you can't complain about shit PERIOD. Its a little time consuming to sort through the facts, but thats when you learn about the canidate.
[post=400615]Quoted post[/post]​

No, actually I can complain. I live here. I pay taxes. I'll bitch all I want. Notice I'm not bitching about how fucked up the current administration is, and I won't bitch about who wins this silly shit flinging contest. They turn these things into a fucking circus, damn near patronizing the voter with junior high gossip bullshit. Hey, fuck that, OK pal? I want the facts from the horses mouth, not some disputable opinions from the Swift Boat Drivers For The Rights Of Gay Baby Whales, OK? I want more than two choices. I want my vote to count. Fuck this two party system, and fuck the electoral college. I want to vote Nader, but he'll never win, so voting for him is like not voting at all, so I'm just not even going to bother. I'm not laxidasical. I know what the outcome is going to be, and to me, there is absolutly NO fucking point to do something when you know it's not going to make one bit of difference. It's wasted energy. It's meaningless. I could just as much SAY I voted for Nader as actually do it. The results will be EXACTLY the same.

Goddamnit... B called me in the middle of this post, and now I lost my steam. Thaaaanks B... Fucker. :P
im not voting bush...nor kerry...kerry is just as big as an idiot bush is... at atleast bush knows what he wants. kerry could of debated himself at those debates...

Originally posted by h22bubbleback@Oct 10 2004, 01:26 PM
im not voting bush...nor kerry...kerry is just as big as an idiot bush is... at atleast bush knows what he wants. kerry could of debated himself at those debates...

[post=400803]Quoted post[/post]​

bahh. That is rhedoric that the bush campain is using to draw negative publicity to kerry, by taking shit out of content. I know for a fact they are going to us kerry's "I am not going to raise taxes" out of context and against him, where he looked straght into the camrea and said he would not raise taxes for those that make less then 200,000, and then he goes on to say he will raise taxs....for those that make over 200,000.
people who bitch about Bush/the war/the administration and don't vote disgust me.

that is all
Originally posted by spectacle@Oct 10 2004, 01:00 PM
people who bitch about Bush/the war/the administration and don't vote disgust me.

that is all
[post=400816]Quoted post[/post]​

Do you see me polluting every message board out there with my views? Do you see me trying to sway opinion from one candidate to the other? Do you see me on the corner chanting, "Two, four, six, eight, George Bush is a fucking liar and is Hitler and Satan and fuck you George Bush you cocksucking father of whores." Do you see me with some "vote (insert candidate here)" in my sig? What, I can't even post my fucking views on current events because I'm not going to vote? No? Then go fuck yourself. Don't you EVER try to take my civil liberties away, you communist motherfucker.
Originally posted by asmallsol@Oct 10 2004, 01:53 PM
This topic has gotten out of control. There will be no further discussion / argument.

Closed by a moderator.

[post=400838]Quoted post[/post]​

So, what... since I don't vote, I can't have an opinion? And since I don't vote, I can't participate in politcal threads? I see how it is, you nazi mod...
Originally posted by Loco Honkey+Oct 10 2004, 03:05 PM-->
@Oct 10 2004, 01:53 PM
This topic has gotten out of control. There will be no further discussion / argument.

Closed by a moderator.

[post=400838]Quoted post[/post]​

So, what... since I don't vote, I can't have an opinion? And since I don't vote, I can't participate in politcal threads? I see how it is, you nazi mod...
[post=400841]Quoted post[/post]​

no, it was because you started to resort to name calling. calling someone a communist motherfucker is a great way to make a thread go to shit.

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