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Wrong Whole!
A Licensed Counselor was conducting a group therapy session with four young
mothers and their small children... "You all have obsessions," he observed. To the first
mother, he said, "You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter
Candy." He turned to the second Mom. "Your obsession is with money. Again, it
manifests itself in your child's name, Penny." He turns to the third Mom. "Your
obsession is alcohol. This too manifests itself in your child's name, Brandy." At this
point, the fourth mother gets up, takes her little boy by the hand and whispers, "Come
on, Dick, we're leaving."

Ok I heard this one the other day

So this guy was sitting at the bar drinking and as we all know when we drink we have to piss. So the guy gets up and goes to the bathroom. Well in the stall next to him there is this short guy wearing a green suit. He just happens to glance down at the guys dick and notices how big it is. Not wanting to sound gay or anything he goes to congradulate the guy on his penis size,

Man " not to sound like a fag or anything, but you have a really big dick"

Guy "Oh, why thank you laddy, Im mighty proud of it."

So the guy goes back to his buisness and the little guy turns to him and says,

"Well laddy, im a leprechan and the rules say that once you have seen me whilly I have to give you me pot o gold."


"we, but also you have to let me fuck you in the ass in order to get me gold"

The guy thinks about it, i mean it is probably worth a couple billion dollars and it is only this once, so he agrees to it.

As the leprechan is doin his buisness...
"So there laddy, whats your name?"
"Oh micheal, how old are ya micheal"
"Wow arent we a little old to be belivin in leprechans lad.

:lol: :lol:
I dont know if you guys get it, if I was saying it in person it would be funny, you just have to imagine the scottish accent. hehe.
Here's a VERY old one.
i forgot how it went, so im telling it my own way....

A janitorial company had a "help wanted" sign in it's window. Chineese guy comes in and takes the job. The first day on the job his supervisor tells him to go down the hall into the broom closet and give him the supplies.

two hours pass and the chineese guy is nowhere to be found. The supervisor starts to wonder where the chineese guy went, so he starts to walk down the hall.

all of a sudden the chineese guy jumps out from behind a closed door and yells:

hahaha, that is pretty funny actually, must be the weed :lol:
ok. another one.

Bear is sitting in the woods wiping his ass for hours with a stick after he just took a shit, when a rabbit walks up to him.

Bear goes:

Rabbit, dont you hate it when you get shit all over your fur?

Rabbit says: No, not really....its kinda unavoidable

So the bear picks up the rabbit and wipes his ass with it. :lol:

<<tap tap>><<is this thing on> ???
Originally posted by Tonyd0821@Sep 11 2003, 08:19 PM
Here's a VERY old one.
i forgot how it went, so im telling it my own way....

A janitorial company had a "help wanted" sign in it's window. Chineese guy comes in and takes the job. The first day on the job his supervisor tells him to go down the hall into the broom closet and give him the supplies.

two hours pass and the chineese guy is nowhere to be found. The supervisor starts to wonder where the chineese guy went, so he starts to walk down the hall.

all of a sudden the chineese guy jumps out from behind a closed door and yells:


:lmao: :lmao: That's great!
how do you know its bed time at micheal jacksons house?
when the big hand touches the little hand

why did micheal jackson call Boyz II Men?
he thought they were a delivery service

A pirate walks into a bar with the whole pirate get-up: parrot on his shoulder, peg leg, hook on his hand, yadda yadda, exept theres a steering wheel hanging from his zipper. So her sits down and orders a drink and the bartender says, " Ya know ya got a steering wheel on your zipper?". The pirate replied, " ARRRG!!! ITS BEEN DRIVING ME NUTS!!!"

Originally posted by punkyjewster41@Sep 12 2003, 12:03 AM
A pirate walks into a bar with the whole pirate get-up: parrot on his shoulder, peg leg, hook on his hand, yadda yadda, exept theres a steering wheel hanging from his zipper. So her sits down and orders a drink and the bartender says, " Ya know ya got a steering wheel on your zipper?". The pirate replied, " ARRRG!!! ITS BEEN DRIVING ME NUTS!!!"

