Just a crazy girl here.

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But my boobs have not even been a part of this thread. ;)

Thanks. I'm ready for all the HS shenanigans again. :D

Ha. And I've never actually been to China, But...
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Man, it's been forever since I've seen that movie.
Whoa man... looks like this thread is getting close to the 300 mark. It's about time lol

Nice choice on the Yaris. Those are good cars, and comfortable too. At least in the front seat.. I haven't sat in the back of one yet.
Whoa man... looks like this thread is getting close to the 300 mark. It's about time lol

Nice choice on the Yaris. Those are good cars, and comfortable too. At least in the front seat.. I haven't sat in the back of one yet.

When I test drove one, I made sure to sit in the back seat when the sales guy took the car off the lot. The back seat is roomy!! I'll have to take some inside-the-car pics. :)

I'm about to go give it a bath, so I'll try to snap some new pics. The other thing that's roomy is the engine bay... lol I can't believe how much room there is for such a little car!
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I'm about to go give it a bath, so I'll try to snap some new pics. The other thing that's roomy is the engine bay... lol I can't believe how much room there is for such a little car!

if i know these guys, they're going to want pics of you giving it a bath, too. :rolleyes:

hehe, welcome back! :thumbsup:
came onto this post late, and though its a gotten a few pages longer since i stopped reading at page 7 i couldnt help but respond: i'm always late to the party.

This is why the motorcycle community never will cease to amaze me and that the car community will always disappoint:

Car community:
Who's better than who BS, my car is faster, American vs. Domestic, look how many swaps I've done, etc. There is always some competition. Not much respect for the the fellow enthusiast.

Motorcycle community:
Everyone is welcome regardless of age, race, gender, creed, or bike owned. No competition, just a mutual interest. Much more respect for the fellow rider.

Could not agree with you more. Have met way more bikers over the years that couldnt care less what 2 wheels you were on, just happy to be on the road.

but you can't tell me that a harley rider doesn't evil eye the sport bike every time they pass...it's just how it is. there is no group on the face of the planet that doesn't have some sort of disdain for another group of similar but different interest.

I own a Harley now, have owned a Ninja, and started riding on a Honda, and you couldnt be more wrong here. You shouldnt categorize, in any situation, as I have waved to every bike ive ever passed by, i mean that literally, including scooters. I couldn't care less what people ride, its a brotherhood (which includes women riders but i dont know the nomenclature). My only beef towards bikes is towards crews, (not to be confused with large packs of riders) as i prefer the 'lone wolf' approach, but thats an entirely different conversation.

Two of the nicest groups of people: Bikers and Gun owners.

As an owner of both, you couldnt be more correct.
I agree with you Blackfrog, I wave at everyone on a bike as well. Sometimes I catch myself waving from my car too! lol. But I do have to admit, the wave doesn't always get returned and most of them are people on Harley's. I ride a ninja 600.
I agree with you Blackfrog, I wave at everyone on a bike as well. Sometimes I catch myself waving from my car too! lol. But I do have to admit, the wave doesn't always get returned and most of them are people on Harley's. I ride a ninja 600.
Though not always true its pretty much 50% of the time. I've never not gotten a return from a fellow sport bike rider. Only from a cruiser. I dont get upset or hold a grudge against cruisers as my first bike was going to be a 69' Triumph chopper before it got sold out from under me. My wave just turns in a fluid motion to flippin the bird behind me.
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if i know these guys, they're going to want pics of you giving it a bath, too. :rolleyes:

hehe, welcome back! :thumbsup:

lol... Thanks, Casey. Fortunately I'm not talented enough to do both those things at the same time by myself.

came onto this post late, and though its a gotten a few pages longer since i stopped reading at page 7 i couldnt help but respond: i'm always late to the party.

Could not agree with you more. Have met way more bikers over the years that couldnt care less what 2 wheels you were on, just happy to be on the road.

I own a Harley now, have owned a Ninja, and started riding on a Honda, and you couldnt be more wrong here. You shouldnt categorize, in any situation, as I have waved to every bike ive ever passed by, i mean that literally, including scooters. I couldn't care less what people ride, its a brotherhood (which includes women riders but i dont know the nomenclature). My only beef towards bikes is towards crews, (not to be confused with large packs of riders) as i prefer the 'lone wolf' approach, but thats an entirely different conversation.

Better late than welcome! I'm sure you didn't miss anything on the pages you skipped over. :) It's nice to see someone else who is an unconditional waver. I understand your beef with crews.. For me, I have certain people I ride with because I know their riding capabilities and I could trust them with my life. I have been fortunate enough to meet quite a few people on a local motorcycle forum who have become my second family. I used to know other people before they joined a crew (Ruff Ryders, 1 Down, etc) and I could swear that they change as a result of it. It no longer is about the sport, but about the image.

My wave just turns in a fluid motion to flippin the bird behind me.

hahah... I so do the same thing... :p
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Pics of the Yaris, as promised...
It was a nice day, so I had to take it out for some nice scenery.



And some pics of the inside & engine to get an idea of crazy storage/room:


  • engine02.jpg
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  • inside01.jpg
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  • inside03.jpg
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  • trunk.jpg
    28.5 KB · Views: 271
Been too long since I've seen palm trees. :(
Yea, you've got plenty of storage. But do you ever use it?
grats on the yaris. I never liked the looks of them, but that doesn't matter, it gets the job done. :thumbsup:
Been too long since I've seen palm trees. :(
Yea, you've got plenty of storage. But do you ever use it?

I use it all the time, actually. Costco shopping trips are the times it really gets tested. lol I'm glad the back seats fold down. :)

I think what he is trying to say here is: Do you have a lot of junk in your trunk?

I was almost going to caption the trunk pic with "no junk in my trunk". :D