Lawn Mower Batteries?

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Last time i was at Home Depot or Lowes.. forget which, I saw a rack of lawn mower batteries. I took a look at them and saw that they were 12.6v 500 CCA batteries. Wait.. my CRX had a 12.6v 500 CCA battery... but this one was 4 times smaller, $19.99 and weighed only a fraction of a full size car battery. I mean "WTF" what could be the downside of having one of these in your car? Sure someone would probably crack a joke at you for having a lawn mower battery in your civic... and they probably dont have as high of an amps per hour rating as a car battery but what does it matter once the car is running.

What could be the downside of using a lawn mower battery in your car? (sounds silly) B)

Compare the chemicals used in the battery to the one you have now. I think the answer maybe in there somewhere.