locate my seatbelt/door beeper

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1595cc's of Mad Fury
This may be a silly question, but I can't seem to find this info in wiring diagrams or in parts breakdown illustrations.

Where is my open door warning beeper located? It's behind the dash somewhere, but the sound it makes is really difficult to track down...and my hearing sucks.

Why you ask? That beepy beepy is annoying and needs to be modded. I have a cute R2-D2 toy that talks. I would love my car to sound like R2 when I leave the door open.


  • r2-d2-action-figure-star-wars-heroes-villains.jpg
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Are you saying that R2 is not cute? Not exactly a bad-ass killing machine....
"That's 'cause droids don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose."

Well, there it is in the diagram. Thanks.
The problem w/ diagrams is they don't show the physical location of the components. That's what I need to find....