Look What I bought today

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53" widescreen HDTV :worthy:
I can only imagine what watchin sunday afternoon football will be like
now all I need is a kick ass suround system and I'll be all set.

oh and I bought some Kyb agx shock/struts and a progressive camber kit. for my little rex as well.
not fair :( nice tv man, do you have NFL sunday ticket? if so, i'm coming to your house :)
niiiice! boy i miss my parents big screen. it died after about 10 years of abuse.
Now you need a good surround sound system. Thats a nice tv, you are going to have to have some Hondaswap guys over sometime.
Originally posted by B16@Oct 21 2002, 08:01 PM
not fair :( nice tv man, do you have NFL sunday ticket? if so, i'm coming to your house :)

um lets just say not to incriminate myself , I get it but don't pay for it.

steve I took it after taxes and delivery charges. $1685.37
not to shabby. I also got hooked up, I was talkin to some kid workin there
and we were bs about tv's so I told him hey I'm interested in this one. but don't have the cash today to pick it up. He informed me he'd price match last weeks sale. of $1549 ( afuggin steal that tv listed for $1800) The only reason I bought it today is cause of the price I got.

funniest part was when he asked me how would you like to pay for this. I said cash. he looked at me funny and was like you got 2g's in your pocket. wanna take a walk outside for a min. we laugh and I'm now a proud owner of a kick ass big screen. I actually won't be able to use it till I move the last week of Nov. first week of Dec. that's when it gets deliverd to my new place.

hell yeah, someone bring a PS2 and we'll play some kick ass games on the pimp screen. Ithin kI'll have a superbowl handswap aprty. nothin to big tho.

oooh I never though about what porn would look like till now on that bitch
shit i am trying to imagine playing Playstation or any other kind of game system on that thing. talk about SWEET!!
hehe, i loved playing xBox on my moms 65" mitsubishi diamond, man, that is one insane tv
yea all i got is a old school big pimpin 32 inch...lol.. i just cant bring myself to drop that kinda money on a tv... i dont watch that much tv
Originally posted by rixXxceboy@Oct 21 2002, 06:29 PM
niiiice! boy i miss my parents big screen. it died after about 10 years of abuse.

All those late nights watching HBO's titty movies huh?

Rixxxceboy get your penis out of the RCA cable sockets! lol bro J/K
Got a flat screen 27" which is good enough for my XBox and Dreamcast (hey, Soul Calibur is still a cool game).
Originally posted by paragus@Oct 21 2002, 11:24 PM
yea all i got is a old school big pimpin 32 inch...lol.. i just cant bring myself to drop that kinda money on a tv... i dont watch that much tv

I myself maybe watch an hour of television a week, but I watch movies all the time.
I've prolly scene snatch and lockstock and two smokin barrells like 15 times each. can't wait to see em on a big screen
It will be sweet, porn does look good on a big screen.

I can't wait until I get a bigger tv, for now I got a 27 inch tv with a really good surround sound system on it.
lol, i have my dads old 50 something inch piece of crap.. i'm sure you've seen them in pizza parlors, they have the front mirror that folds down to reflect the image to the big screen, haha, i think we bought that tv in like 1985, good ol mitsubishi old schoolers.. although, the thing needs to be refocused about once a month, haha
my 36" is just fine for me! anything bigger and it would just overtake the size of my house! Damn ghetto military housing!