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that chicka is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!!! :beer: :hitit:

and i would take that silver/blue skyline anyday!!! i dont care if its ricey or not!!
Originally posted by SolReaver@Oct 18 2002, 12:58 AM
no...its for gay people trying to be fast and furious, not specifically imports...and i think you should cut back a little on the hardcore domestic hating, cause as much as i hate to admit it, most affordable domestics ARE faster than 95% of imports. Think about it...

I love my honda, but a fast car it will never be unless i put some SERIOUS work into it, then it may be as fast as a STOCK z28.

just my .02

They're furious because they're not fast...

I will probably see The Gay and the Curious 2 when it comes out, but I'm in no rush. I sure as hell didn't line up for the first one, and I didn't even know how bad it would suck back then. Now that I know, I'll bide my time... and enjoy my Z28 smoking Civic.


The story is supposedly gonna be built around the NOPI/NDRA drag racing series. NOPI is gonna be a huge part of the movie. I read this in Import Tuner....and even THEY admit the first one was stupid!
the funny thing is that 99% of people at that movie will not even know what a gtr is and go looking for one at the car lot the next day
Yeah, the movie will be gay, gayer than the first, but the cars will be amazing, and we'll all drool over them when we see the movie, and then come back here and bitch about the plot, like they ever had plot in mind when they made the movie in the first place
[/Run on sentence]
i dont think apc makes anything for skylines... why in the hell would you put that on any car!
they make gt-r badges. i saw a mustang with one of those around here. I joked with him if he did do an engine swap and put the skyline engine in it, told him that must have cost a fortune
i';m there. i dont care how gay it is... or how bad the cars are-- its still 99423423 % better than ANY of the movies that came out this year!

man the movie business has REALLY sucke this year.

I was reading EW (entertainment weekly) a few issues back... and only 1 of the major mation puicture people (sony, universal, etc) have turned a profit for 2002.
they are making gay shit
and the business is showing this.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Oct 18 2002, 03:18 PM
i';m there. i dont care how gay it is... or how bad the cars are-- its still 99423423 % better than ANY of the movies that came out this year!

man the movie business has REALLY sucke this year.

I was reading EW (entertainment weekly) a few issues back... and only 1 of the major mation puicture people (sony, universal, etc) have turned a profit for 2002.
they are making gay shit
and the business is showing this.

go see red ragon, that movie was tight, so was road to perdition. There have been a lot of bad movies but a few really good ones
i m going to watch it when it come out. there will be something about the movie we all would like i want to find out so i m going to it opening night.
lol jackass. hey, the daughter of my boss was the girlfriend (now ex) of a producer of that show. not that anyone give s fuck :)

but when the show ended its run, they were throwing out and parting trailers full of good shit...and he (the ex-producer) got a free big screen tv out of it! we got a free fax machine here at work, and my boss got free lithium batteries for his digital camera.
it's a good think that the meth heads didn't get a hold of the batteries
Originally posted by SolReaver@Oct 18 2002, 12:58 AM
this movie is for import tuners? no...its for gay people trying to be fast and furious, not specifically imports...and i think you should cut back a little on the hardcore domestic hating, cause as much as i hate to admit it, most affordable domestics ARE faster than 95% of imports. Think about it...

I love my honda, but a fast car it will never be unless i put some SERIOUS work into it, then it may be as fast as a STOCK z28.

just my .02

1) Chill the fawk out.
2) The 1st movie was a break through in car movies. it was a 1st for a movie to center around imports.
3) Domestics suck. Everyone knows that.
4) yes it cost a little more to build an import, but you have to pay top $ for the best.

And no, domestics are not faster then 95% of imports. :blink:
that movie taught people to put apc stickers on there car and throwing a bottle of naaaawwwws in the back..... that movie wasn't a breask thru..... it just gave birth to more ricers that thing they know about cars cuz they wacthed a movie about them