Man... porn mail is gettig bad

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this one is yelling at me!!!! lol

uhh yeah-- kinda not work safe words i guess......


-----Original Message-----
From: tucker []
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 3:47 AM
Subject: Fuck You Brian pec

You are so full of shit dude.. I told you I was gonna take nude photos for a friend of mine..How dare you try and tell me I am too good of a girl to do porn. I have been told I have a hot body. We are done. You can't control me anymore. You should move on. Here is the first site I am in. When you go in the member's section go to model Anika. That's my model name. Wait till you see the hardcore fucking scenes. That's something you will never have with me again asshole......hahaha
Check Me Out! Porn Star In Training :)

Michelle (AKA Anika)
Damn dude, that sounded like she was bitching at you. Kinda funny as long as someone else is getting the email. ;)
its really pathetic how retarded emails are getting.

and im SICK of getting viagra and the 'sub for viagra' emails 43243 times a day!

I'm 22! I need anit-vigra so i can walk sometimes, shit!
my pron was around 120 emails aday and now it's about 15.... i never signed up for porn but oh well. i wonder what happened .... i m not getting em good but aday i had 100 and next it was 5 wtf... was there a big spammer shut down?
there was an attack on 9 international servers i think on the 25th. it disrupted service across the whole net to some degree. someone tried to shut down the whole net!! :o they said it was like a drop in the bucket though as far as shutting down the net..and there are still 5 international servers that were unaffected.
Porn mail is why i have 3 diffrent email accounts, 1 is aol and half the time aol will not let some email accounts email you crap like my freinds who have hotmail, 2 yahoo accounts, one that i use for junk mail (when a online form askes me for my email adress, i give them that one) and 1 more for normal email. I have been getting spammed since i was 13 and have never signed up for porn mail, or the emails that claim to make your dick 67430ft long if you take some pills
lol... i never gave out my yahoo but porn some how finds it..... oh well it's good not getting em :D
yahoo mail sucks for that, even the account that i have spam block on and dont give out to anyone but actual people (no internet forms) i still get about 10 things of crap mail a week.
that's weird, i don't get ANYTHING on my yahoo acct (of course, that's only supposed to be for job-searching stuff and stuff where giving my hotmail addy wouldn't be appropriate), but i get TONS on my hotmail acct. i mean i check mail 2-5 times a day and there's ALWAYS junk in it and at least half of it's porn crap... and i NEVER give out my email addy to stuff online

(oh, and a friend told me that if you are ever asked for an email and you don't want to give your own, works :P)
I found that all the porn mail starts once you click on a porn site..then it snowballs like crazy! if you dont click on any porn sites, you wont get least that has been my experience.

also, for AOL users, once you spend some time in chat rooms, spammers hook onto your addy somehow. thats why AOL recommends creating a separate screenname for chat.