Moron of the Year Thus Far

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LMFAO I just noticed E_Sol added a bullshit point to my account, just to get his jollies off. LMFAO what a nerd.

you made an unprovoked attack on 2 members for no reason other than to start drama (because you're a bitch like that)
it clearly says why you were warned... hell i even put a link in there to what you were being warned for
and this was not the first time
there are many other times that i could have warned you or just revoked your ability to post... but i havent
im trying to be tolerant of your stupid ass

go fuck yourself, and have a nice day

Hahahaha. It was a joke, you crank yanker. Had anyone else said it, you would not have batted your eye lashes. This was my point about a "bullshit point, just to get your jollies off". I know, I know, it gave your poor little life and bit of added satisfaction which is great because I really can care less - I just found some humour at your expense once again.

Tolerant? Ha, read half of the remarks you've made to me over the last I don't know how long. You're always the defensive bitch out to prove something and a smart ass to boot.

Anyway, I liked the conclusion of your post it was a good attempt at humour.

*Insert the candid, "kindly fuck off" clichè here*

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alright, alright... y'all caught me. am i that transparent?

And steve, is that supposed to be an insult? 'Cause Archie Bunker was one funny mother fucker.

He was also one funny looking mother fucker.

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If every single one of you isn't being given a point on your account for racism, then I demand my point to be removed.

To be serious here for a second, I hope the people who posted racist things aren't really serious. If they believe in what they "preached" here, than I find it truly sad and pathetic in today's times. The sadest part is thinking about all the others who don't characterize themselves as racists yet cannot give someone a fair and equal chance. I would hate to be the black man in the jury room, when a jury of my peers thinks so narrow mindedly and ignorantly. Although its to be said that Bryan brings many things upon himself with his stupid actions, infact it may be argued that he quite possibly brings everything on himself, but what if that were not entirely the case and his skin color simply added to the problems he's had - I can't even fathom that happening to me.
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but what if that were not entirely the case and his skin color simply added to the problems he's had - I can't even fathom that happening to me.

whose to say it doesnt happen to you?

\maybe you just dont dwell on it and use it as an excuse :wink:

Listen, I'm not some tree hugger here but it troubles me when people are blissfully ignorant. No one is to say it doesn't happen to me, but when the majority of the United States is caucasian, there's a much slighter chance of such an event happening to me. Perhaps I'll be discriminated against because I don't practice a religion, or I'm not an Italian like everyone is my neighboring towns or maybe something else - well its already happened and thats all fine and dandy because thats life.

What I'm talking about is when selfish, pricks, hold a person down for something as arbitrary as their race - obviously something they cannot control.

I don't condone tree huggers or blacks that simply harp on the issue of racism even when its not very prevalent in their life - when they use it as an excuse or a crutch - but you've proven just now that its not always an excuse and thats what troubled me so much. If you though logically, if you weren't a racist and gave everyone the same chance then no one could complain, yet you give the very kind of people who you seem to loathe a reason to continue to exist in the form that you apparently dislike so greatly.

My point is you're a facilitator to this sort of behavior, congratulations for being ignorant. :worthy:
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thanks for letting me know who i do and do not loathe.

hurray im ignorant!!

Moreso Dveit making potshots then you, except that you started the whole damn thing off.

You don't loathe black people, but you said, "fucking black people."

As I said, its the internet and tone can completely change the meaning of text but if you were being serious then every bit of what I said applies to you. Thats why I originally stated I did not know if you were being serious or if you were not being serious.

The post wasn't entirely directed at you, obviously, it was also directed at every other bias and racist person that posted here thinking that Marcus Vick's behaviors were based on his race rather than his upbringing.
you read the rest of my post also?

i just watched the movie crash recently and that phrase just popped in my head... as was explained in my post. :p

its cool though, i like it when people make assumptions

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thinking that Marcus Vick's behaviors were based on his race rather than his upbringing.

there a difference? o.O

uh oh, time for some more assumptions!!
my comment, firstly, wasnt mine, and secondly, its a joke. im sure that all of us on here who pointed out that his mishap was related to his skin color were joking.

it is too bad that he did what he did, but being black just adds a whole other aspect to it. And that is a shame, that just because he is black everyone automatically thinks that thats the reason (im not sayin ppl here, but ppl all over the country, believe me... there are ppl like that). Oh hes black, thats what they do. No, ive seen quite a few white kids with guns, and quite a few white kids who have pulled the guns out on ppl. Example, car in front of us came to a skidding stop, we bumped his rear bumper, the kid jumped out of the car, took his Glock w/clip in it (dunno if it was loaded tho), and pointed it directly at my friend in the driver seat.

Peoples actions are related to their upbringing and the environment around them (not cause their skin is black, white, brown, purple, or yellow..), look at Trading Places with Eddie Murphy lol

but maybe chris rock is on to something... "the niggas have got to go" "i love black people, but boy i hate niggas"
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you read the rest of my post also?

i just watched the movie crash recently and that phrase just popped in my head... as was explained in my post. :p

its cool though, i like it when people make assumptions

Assumptions where? Tell me where any assumptions other than the disclosed fact of "I'm not sure if you were being serious or not" were made.

If you said it seriously and they were your words you obviously have a problem with or loathe black people. Get it?

Enough bullshit arguments. What you said was retarded. If it was a one liner from a movie, thats fine, I just simply pointed out if what you guys said you truly believed in, I feel sorry for your downfalls and ignorance - thats all. If you didn't mean it seriously then don't take it so personally.
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my comment, firstly, wasnt mine, and secondly, its a joke. im sure that all of us on here who pointed out that his mishap was related to his skin color were joking.

it is too bad that he did what he did, but being black just adds a whole other aspect to it. And that is a shame, that just because he is black everyone automatically thinks that thats the reason (im not sayin ppl here, but ppl all over the country, believe me... there are ppl like that). Oh hes black, thats what they do. No, ive seen quite a few white kids with guns, and quite a few white kids who have pulled the guns out on ppl. Example, car in front of us came to a skidding stop, we bumped his rear bumper, the kid jumped out of the car, took his Glock w/clip in it (dunno if it was loaded tho), and pointed it directly at my friend in the driver seat.

Peoples actions are related to their upbringing and the environment around them (not cause their skin is black, white, brown, purple, or yellow..), look at Trading Places with Eddie Murphy lol

Thats all fine and dandy.

It is too bad that people think this well and are blissful thinking this way, this was my entire point. They know its wrong, yet they continue the same line of thinking without being phased.

Peoples actions being related to their upbringing revolves around the idea of nature or nurture. Personally I believe in the idea of nurture mixed with nature but it can be argued that neither have been proven indisputablely and thats why there's such a conflict regarding these ideas.
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Wow. Yet another thread shat upon by the resident drama king.

And you need to comment why? Oh yeah because its the pot calling the kettle black.

Sean posted a reply just fine without getting all defensive but rather thinking logically and explaining himself. We had a normal conversation because he didn't act like a jerk, get it?

I pointed out a pertinent issue to many on the board. Look at the community on the boards and some of the ignorant things people have said here regarding race in the past. I just pointed it out because its my opinion that many here haven't been well cultured in the least and as a result are ignorant. Perhaps people didn't grow up in a diverse neighborhood or maybe they did and still formed unfair biases like the ones posted on this board.

I don't know how you can even say this thread has been "shat upon" when its a legit issue.
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Wow. Yet another thread shat upon by the resident drama king.

And you need to comment why? Oh yeah because its the pot calling the kettle black.

Sean posted a reply just fine without getting all defensive but rather thinking logically and explaining himself. We had a normal conversation because he didn't act like a jerk, get it?

I pointed out a pertinent issue to many on the board. Look at the community on the boards and some of the ignorant things people have said here regarding race in the past. I just pointed it out because its my opinion that many here haven't been well cultured in the least and as a result are ignorant. Perhaps people didn't grow up in a diverse neighborhood or maybe they did and still formed unfair biases like the ones posted on this board.

I don't know how you can even say this thread has been "shat upon" when its a legit issue.

These words keep appearing on my screen but they're not making any sense.

So you have license to judge others' character simply on your own (narcissistic) opinion? I didn't know cracker jack was including those as prizes these days.
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These words keep appearing on my screen but they're not making any sense.

So you have license to judge others' character simply on your own (narcissistic) opinion? I didn't know cracker jack was including those as prizes these days.

So are you condoning racism? I know you would because I'm against it and you simply have to prove a point.

...or do you just like to hear yourself bitch?

Its not "my" narcissistic opinion, its the opinion set forth by a civilized and fair society.

Seriously you need to shut the hell up sometimes because its getting real old. Mute.
Don't fucking tell me what I do and do not condone, you self-righteous bigot.

Of course at it's core racism is a deplorable blight on world society - but I will fall back on common sense on this one and say: Stereotypes exist for a reason.