My 93 Hatch

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Junior Member
ALright, i am about to purchse a 1993 Hatch witht the pure purpose of making it my domestic bashing machine
I have no quams in spending that extra few dollars, but i dont want to have just a strip car. I want it to be mainly drag race
oriented but i still want to be able to drive it to local meetings. Anyone have an idea for the best swap for me? There is
a local place that swaps a B20B2 in for $3500, and i thought this was a good deal. It includes the cost of JDM engine,
all wiring and labor. Am i correct in assuming this is a decent deal? when i inquired the gentlemen that own the shop
they were standing next to a CRX with the B20B2 in it. Upon further inspection, i noticed, intake, exhaust, an LS tranny,
and that was about it. They claimed their best run was about 12.86 if i recall. It wasn't VTEC tho. Any info on this? or how the heck its possible? Also, i noticed the B20 seems almost boost friendly with its 8.8:1 compression. Someone offer me some guidance here, i am used to my Nissan and Nismo toys. Thanks guys.
my buddy ran 12.6 on slicks w/ intake header and no exhaust in a 96 hb (heavier than yours) with a prelude motor. they seem to have the best motors from what i have been hearing. hard swap but well worth it.
You gave us your intent,but you said that you would spend the few extra dollars,how much is a few?Do you want boost of some kind?Do you want to drive it,say to the store or work everyday or just to the track?The h22 swap isn't hard it just has to be thought out in advance.
sleeved h22
t4/60-1 turbo set up
aem EMS

11s cake
10s on slicks possible
intent? don't want a drag car only. has to be able to be drivin to the track, also have the avail ability to drive occasionally to local gatherings. i just dont want the little thing to overheat anytime i have to wait in some slight traffic. I dont want an everyday driver, but i dont want a trailer car either. I have heard mass amounts about h22's but due to high compression, my cousins doesn't respond well to the supercharger. if you guys can toss me some links out to sites sto research all this and maybe do the swap myself with some step by step stuff would be awesome. so b20b2 is bad? only reason i had pushed that one so much is cause the guys in orlando are runnin 12.80's N/A and they do the swap for 3500. they have some slight head work and intake and exhaust. they were talkin about a turbo kit that is able to be pushin like 550whp. let me know
U guys are, a turbo that adds 200 hp at the wheels? WTF, stfu u n00bs.. :angry:
hahah! this guys is my her0! Wondering how quick he made his account that he will be/ or is banned.
hey at least there is someone else on this board that is down for the TRASH TALKING besides me.
i like the respond saying 10s on slicks...with only those 3 parts? haha....
its gonna take alot more than that plus 110 octane.
Yes you got me b18c1, I am a n00b, that's why I g0 here to learn the l337 ways of the people that do it everyday. But what can you say? I know more then any other jabroni 16 year old in my area? so how can you patronize me for that?

And by the way I don't own a teg any more yo, I got me a 93 hatch that's going to own at the end of this summer with your name in it.
Originally posted by VTECcivicVTEC@Jan 18 2003, 11:34 PM
hey at least there is someone else on this board that is down for the TRASH TALKING besides me.
i like the respond saying 10s on slicks...with only those 3 parts? haha....
its gonna take alot more than that plus 110 octane.

sleeved in not what I consider to be 1 part, rather a shit load of parts to come to one final goal- a sleeved block. all the machine work- basically, all the bottom end. with that, it will hold a shit load of boost. tuned with aem, and a turbo (yep also 1 part you fuck face) it will go high 10s.
fuckin A- 10 psi on an UNBUILT bone stock h22 EG went 11.88 around here... basically, a bolt on kit with the boost cranked up a little bit.
you don't need 110 octane if you know what the fuck you are doing and have been tuned properly.

so keep you trash talking to your mother- or I'll ban both of you for the first time, or in your case mr sohcvtec, the 2nd time. I told you to change your name and come back politely- but i guess you didn't care. And then you cried... whaaaaah i'm banned.... and i miss your site....

pussy ass
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 19 2003, 12:22 AM
fuckin A- 10 psi on an UNBUILT bone stock h22 EG went 11.88 around here...

Now imagine that in a 1700lb 3rd gen civic... :worthy:

That was my dream about a year ago.. to somehow manage to get an H22 and a turbo in the bay of a 3rd gen Civic... Single digit times baby! As a matter of fact it was the question of whether it could be done that led me here in the first place. :)

(A bit off topic, but this thread reminded me about it. :) )
thinkin h22a built up from inside all new bottom and junk, then a turbo but the hatch i wanted got sold, so i am gonna get a CRX i thinks.