Integra Guy
seriously, why be assholes? I admitted that this wasn't my life. I told you guys I was new to this shit. I'm reading my ass off. I'm not saying I'm a baller for making a G a week, I said that to give an idea of what I had to work with... if I wanted to be a jerk-off, I would have said that I work 5 hours a month to average a 1000 a week, but I didn't say that did I? As for me buying a real car, I have no credit. I pissed it away years ago. I like integras and I like RSX's. Maybe one day, I'll buy an RSX... but for now, I wanna dick with the integra. I don't wanna drag race, I don't wanna drift. I don't wanna compete in shows. I also could give a shit if someones car is faster than mine. I don't wanna slap anything JDM on the car, except maybe an engine. I still haven't even decided if I like the JDM front. At first glance, it made me second guess that honda produced it... I thought it was ugly. If I would decide to put one on, it would be only because I haven't seen one around here yet, I'm sure they are though... somewhere. I don't have anywhere to work on this thing, therefore, its gotta go to a garage... and since I don't want to spend my whooping 1000 a week taking a chance that I might do it right, I will get some help with it. Thank you for everyone who offered help. I am sorry that I missed the other million posts about swaps, I'm still trying to catch up. So in the mean time, I guess I'll just have to deal with assholes painting a bullseye on my lame ass. I'm used to not being able to go anywhere or do anything without running into a total smack-off... our culture has become a joke anyways. I'll pretend to be the punchline.