New Atmosphere Album

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Artist: Atmosphere
Title: You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having
Release Date: 10.04.2005

So far its a great album, ive listened through 10 of the tracks so far and its great, far better than Se7ens Travels. It goes back to his more hip hop style than depressing angry rap. Very good listen.

The Arrival (track # 1) is my fav so far. Watch out and Musical Chairs are some very good tracks as well.

have a listen at a few tracks...

for myspace users... Click Hurrrrrr

Yahoo Samples of each track... HERE

i cant find any other links to samples, so download his music i guess...
They are playing 2 minutes down the road but it was sold out before i knew it.... shitty, their playing tonight. fuck. oh well, ive seen him 3 times already.