New Cell phone for me.

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The whole story: decided to cancel my cell phone in favor of just using my work cell phone for personal and business, like the other two techs already do. With 5 months left on my contract, it would cost me 285 until August to cancel it. Looking to save money I decided to do some math. Because I had been a customer, my cancellation fee was only 80 dollars, so 80 dollar cancel fee, or 285 over 5 months.

Doing this saved me 205 dollars. In doing this, I wanted to upgrade my phone for work to something a little more "me", the piece of shit we'd had for 20 bucks sucked. Didn't always send texts, the keypad didn't always work, etc.

So I went today and picked up an LG Voyager Titanium for $99.99 after all the discounts I got.


So in total, I've saved myself a little over 100 dollars over 5 months (yeah not much, but savings is savings).

I'm really digging this thing. Touch screen front with an automatic lock, full keyboard internally. I just connected it to my computer and downloaded a WMA audio file to it. It worked. It's also bluetooth capable and it can carry my mini-SD card I'd already bought for my old phone a year and a half ago.

It will hold 987 mbs of music (not much but I have a portable HD for that anyway), and came with Anarchy Club - Collide already on it. lol

So far its a pretty neat little fucker, and the best part the plan is paid for by my company using their number on my phone. This is by far one of the more expensive phones I have bought, but it should be good for 2 years. :thumbsup:
funny, but its nowhere near it. :) Besides that, I don't need massive storage for a netbook. I have 60 extra gigs laying around.
i wish i could find one of those cheap out right with no contracts
:thumbsup: I have a Blackberry Pearl 2 and I like it a lot. Right now I am about 2.5 months without service though..... I'm too poor to pay for it, so I'm sitting in collections for like $400. But as far as the phone is concerned, it's great. It has a 2mp camera, with video, tons of memory space, and file transfers are way easy. Plus it has all these capabilities that I can't afford to use, like wi-fi, but oh well. Someday I'll get it turned back on....
well I'm tired of this phone. its a pain in the ass to use on the road, so I'm switching my number to my old personal flip phone that I got for free and selling the Voyager to Kathy (our office manager). :)
how much you selling it for? if you toss it on eBay you can get more for it... i sold my ENv 2 for $150.. so this could probably fetch $200+
i wish i could find one of those cheap out right with no contracts
your looking for a cheap plan with no contract???
if so go boost mobile..
$50 a month free txt unlimited talk,picture all that good shit..and free walkie talkie..
thats the plan im on now,its not even a plan..its prepaid too
your looking for a cheap plan with no contract???
if so go boost mobile..
$50 a month free txt unlimited talk,picture all that good shit..and free walkie talkie..
thats the plan im on now,its not even a plan..its prepaid too
well i was but i went ahead and got this same phone about 2 weeks ago. i love it so far
why not get a blackberry? useful and fun.

i cant stand other phones anymore. especially not the tinkertoy phones they put out now. there are like 10 variations of the razr, and now the voyager, and enV. total crap they all are.
i like the voyager for the full text pad my big fingers cant handle that other stuff, and the new blackberry with the full text you have to push the whole screen down and im not liking that.
i have the lg dare. carrier is verizon. i love it. it took me a few days to get used to the touch screen but i am used to it now and i love it.
how much you selling it for? if you toss it on eBay you can get more for it... i sold my ENv 2 for $150.. so this could probably fetch $200+

I took the hit on it. I gave it to Kathy for 50 bucks. Doesn't bother me, it was a piece of shit. It'd freeze when texting or scrolling, then it would type out everything I did. It bothers me to have to wait for shit, which is why my netbook bothers me sometimes.

why not get a blackberry? useful and fun.

i cant stand other phones anymore. especially not the tinkertoy phones they put out now. there are like 10 variations of the razr, and now the voyager, and enV. total crap they all are.

I'm not spending anymore money on a phone. I went back to the flip phone I bought in 07... well not bought, got for free online.

i have the lg dare. carrier is verizon. i love it. it took me a few days to get used to the touch screen but i am used to it now and i love it.

The touch screen was a pain in the ass. Unless the number was in a speed dial bin, it was hard as hell to try to type out a number on the screen while driving. Since its my work/personal phone, I'm not always sitting still when I need to make a call.
Yes because when I get a business call while I'm sitting in traffic, I can just pull over. Nah, doesn't work at all.
The touch screen was a pain in the ass. Unless the number was in a speed dial bin, it was hard as hell to try to type out a number on the screen while driving.

Yes because when I get a business call while I'm sitting in traffic, I can just pull over. Nah, doesn't work at all.

well.. which is it?
Getting a call and making a call in traffic really are one in the same... either way I'm in traffic when I need to communicate with another being not within earshot of my van.

You're a fart smeller... err.. smart feller, you should know that. :thumbsup:
i will never get cell service that doesn't have sim cards. fuck a company that wants to lock me into a phone for 2 years just so i can cut the cost of the phone. (ie verizion and sprint)

reason 2542342 america sucks. we are the only county that has 2 types of providers.