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Capt. Orygun

Win the Day
don't know if you like RPG's but if you do you gotta check out Suikoden III, I bought it today and played it most of the afternoon (I'm sick) and I'm about to forget about the FF series.
Originally posted by Silverchild79@Jan 25 2003, 11:51 PM
don't know if you like RPG's but if you do you gotta check out Suikoden III, I bought it today and played it most of the afternoon (I'm sick) and I'm about to forget about the FF series.

how could you ever say such a thing about FF. are you nuts?!! i will check out this game though. thank god i work at target, we can just open the games and put it on a ps2 and i can see if i like it before i buy it
FF X-2 screenshots are nuts. Of course Square has always had the best cutscenes Too bad I never got into RPG's.
the graphics and animation are anime. More cartoon then CG. Don't get me wrong, FF9 & 10 were good. And I still say FF4 is the best game ever made. But the rest of them fell short and the guy who was behind the FF series doesn't work for sqaure anymore. Just my OP, but this game owns. They use something called the "trinity", basically you can play through 3 different sides of the same story using three different main charaters.
Originally posted by ghettocivic@Jan 26 2003, 01:11 PM
i didnt even like the last final fantasy. it was like i was watchin a movie. do they make this game for xbox?

don't know, but it's konami so they MIGHT. Then again most X-box games aren't made for someone with an attention span of over 6 min. :P
Final Fantasy is made by Squaresoft and so far only a PS2 exclusive. There is talks of releasing the older games "redone" on the Gamecube, but we'll see. So only PS2 owners can enjoy the game for now
the original suikoden was sick when it came out, never played part two tho, imma look into pt. 3.

my favorite rpg of all time is final fantasy tactics for the origianl playstation.