Nology Hotwires

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I went to the shop today and found out my stock wires suck.
Nology wires it seems has a little capacitor that holds the spark charge untill it reaches atmospheric ionization capable saturation, then dumps it, in a massive discharge of plasma.
I put my new type r wires strait from the dealer on the demo and my spark you could barely see it.
but when you look at the HOTWIRES spark it was massive and intense.

Unlike most, I work with high power electrical systems, 100kw-5MW and a spark like that will light up flammable anything quickly.
Now without gasoline it was impressive, but I can just imagine that as a fire in the top of my cylinders!!!!
Oh I had to put a custom fuel system on my crvtec to achieve full power.

gonna upgrade to full MSD and more fuel more fuel!!!!

push the econobox to 8mpg, go ahead do it.
yeah- go see it for yourself
I ain't selling shit

You bunch of untrusting weirdos.

I upgrade, I share the good stuff, I saw it with my own eyes and I am a high-energy technician that travels the country fixing said syystems, so fuck off.
Since the stock system produces enough power to adequately burn fuel,I'll save my $135.
my stock OEM wires cost me $40 from The reason why your not getting a huge responce is because hondas electrical system works great, on of the best in the whole industry. Honda's electrical system is adiquite for up too 400hp and 10k RPMs. Yes the spark is larger on nology and all others like that but it does absolutly nothing for power. The Spark produced by the OEM wires are more than adiquite for igniteing the fuel mixture.

Now if you ever go to a dyno, make on run with the hotwires, another with your OEM honda wires. You will see that there is absolutly no diffrance. This is the same thing on the MSD stuff. Yes on fords, power will be gained but on hondas, you wont see much if anything.
Originally posted by thetoymaker+Feb 24 2003, 08:07 PM-->
Nology wires it seems has a little capacitor that holds the spark charge untill it reaches atmospheric ionization capable saturation
atmospheric ionization??? You're kidding right? This sounds like mysterious marketting mumbo jumbo.

@Feb 24 2003, 08:07 PM
in a massive discharge of plasma.

Take any physics in high school? I don't think you can "conduct" plasma through plug wires.

If these wires are so great why don't any of the big time racers use them?
I have forgotton more than u will ever know about particle and high-energy physics.
The plasma occurs when the high-frequency ionizing radiation excites the atmosphere (mostly nitrogen)
And yes there are frequency and electrical discharges that can and will produce more "plasma" for a given electrical arc.
What does a spark do to gas? ignite it right? A big spark is pretty much same as little spark when using very little gas. How would it make a difference with this plasma mumbo jumbo techy stuff you are talking about? you want to ignite it, it won't ignite any faster as if you dowse it in shower of sparks as if you just tossed in a spark from some flint because you are only working with so little combustive material. I am a 16 year old dumb ass still in biology and I understand why they are pointless because until you are working with hella and hella gas and air it won't matter for shit.
that would depend on what u know about domino effects or cascade effects in a charged explosive/plasmatic gas.
The burn can will have a single detonation point- true.
but if you could shape the charge of the explosion with a larger plasmatic beginning, you would have a larger starting point for the explosion in the cylinder.
I have heard from people in the racing circuit that under high fuel flow that you can quench a spark, causing disruption in the system.
yes true a better wire is needed when your pushing insane compressions, extreme levels of boast, spinning to 11k rpm or you have 400 hp under the hood but for street legal cars, your never going to see a diffrence
Originally posted by thetoymaker@Feb 26 2003, 04:56 AM
that would depend on what u know about domino effects or cascade effects in a charged explosive/plasmatic gas.
The burn can will have a single detonation point- true.
but if you could shape the charge of the explosion with a larger plasmatic beginning, you would have a larger starting point for the explosion in the cylinder.
I have heard from people in the racing circuit that under high fuel flow that you can quench a spark, causing disruption in the system.

On a scale as small as the cylinder in a engine,those physics really aren't of any use.It is like trinitroteluene and cyclonite aka C4,You need a certain size detonation to set it off in perscribed amounts,anything more and your wasting your time.With a larger burn point your still only talking about a .000000000000000001 of a second in an explosion that is moving at less than 3200ft per second for what a foot.
that's nice. how did it do in the NHRA drags? I don't follow them that much but I am pretty sure with that much intense amount of hp it should have done godlike.
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