Official MLB final series/playoff thread

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YEAH NEW YORK!!! man, the game was so great. I couldnt have asked for a better game. Great times.
Damnit, both New York and Cleveland lost. So Boston is in :mad: They get to play the White Sox and I hope Chicago hands thier ass to them. but on a sad note, the Yanks play the Angels :cry: I'm a Yankee fan but I'm true to my LA teams, plus I wanted the Angels to go all the way anyway :mrgreen:
fuckin boston, oh well we still won the divsion. Anyways, yanks are 4-6 vs the Angels, im not too happy that we gotta play the angels, but i think they want it pretty bad (yankees). Mussina, Johnson, Wang, Small/Chacon?? who is the yankees starting rotation for the playoffs?
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fuckin boston, oh well we still won the divsion. Anyways, yanks are 4-6 vs the Angels, im not too happy that we gotta play the angels, but i think they want it pretty bad (yankees). Mussina, Johnson, Wang, Small/Chacon?? who is the yankees starting rotation for the playoffs?
I don't know exactly but I think it's going to go: Mussina, Small, Wang, then Johnson. Wang and Johnson just pitched the last to gmes so i'm sure new york wants them to have fresh arms for like Game 3 and 4. The way it looks, I'm saying the Angels in 5. The only game new York might win is when Johnson pitches, maybe Mussina but I doubt it since they are playing at Anehiem. Homefield advantage is big for game 1's.
Mussina is coming off a poor start, plus he is known to be shaky...great. Well, i hate to not have confidence in my team, but i dont think theyll win the WS or even the ALCS... but im gonna stay positive lol.
Baseball is what I watch when I want to go to sleep. If Boston and Yanks play, I will watch, but other than that--don't give a shit unless Seattle is in it.
<span style="font-size:36pt;line-height:100%"> </span>GO SOX! (white sox that is) One more game out of the next 3 is all we need baby. Someone put a hex on boston or something please. We need some luck and some magic to beat those bastards one more time. :)

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What's wrong with Bonds? He may be an asshole to the media but who cares? Just because someone is an all around asshole doesn't mean he can't play baseball well. Jucied up you say? Maybe, but last I checked they only have steroids that make you stronger, not make it so your eyes get 10 times bigger while slowing the pitch down so you can hit it. Hitting a baseball is hard and taking steroids is not gonna teach you how to hit one.

No, the roids don't help your batting average directly, but what they can do is help you hit the ball farther. So that 30 pop flys to center can become 30 home runs, converting a 40 home run hitter into a 70 home run hitter. And those 30 extra hits boost your batting average by A LOT. That's the point. Fuck Barry Bonds, fuck his drug-dependent-to-play-baseball ass, fuck his steroid-built muscles, fuck his stupid racist comments about how white people just don't like him because he's black, fuck his retarded ass. And fuck Bud Selig for not kicking this jackass out of baseball for using roids and breaking records illegally by using roids to do it. Selig is a pussy and should be beaten senseless.
Quoted post[/post]]Baseball is what I watch when I want to go to sleep.


Coudn't have said it better myself. I just kept my mouth shut, because I didn't wanna shit in this thread.

Plus, I never got the whole wildcard concept. I dunno, baseball just never interested me....

Contact sports > *

...and don't give me that 'but you can rush the catcher' bs.
its rush the pitcher.

Man, dont fuck with the White Sox..... red sox look like they are goin home. (note: this isnt the same team as last year so much) Yankees are goin back home with a 1-1 tie, two games at home.... and i dont see thm going back to cali. :wink:
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its rush the pitcher.

Man, dont fuck with the White Sox..... red sox look like they are goin home. (note: this isnt the same team as last year so much) Yankees are goin back home with a 1-1 tie, two games at home.... and i dont see thm going back to cali. :wink:
I don't see them going back to cali either because looks like they are going to finish the Yanks in new York :laugh: :p :laugh:

11-6 angels bottom of the 8th and the angels have K-Rod :) ...

here's a live link:
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its rush the pitcher.

Man, dont fuck with the White Sox..... red sox look like they are goin home. (note: this isnt the same team as last year so much) Yankees are goin back home with a 1-1 tie, two games at home.... and i dont see thm going back to cali. :wink:

Actually, I was referring to the fact that when one is trying to score, they can deck the fuck outta the catcher if he is holding the ball to try to make him lose possession of the ball.
dont count out the yankees, people did that this season and look what happened.

Johnson just had a bad outing, i think the team will pick him up.

on and BYE BYE BOSTON!!!!! defending champs what?
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dont count out the yankees, people did that this season and look what happened.

Johnson just had a bad outing, i think the team will pick him up.

on and BYE BYE BOSTON!!!!! defending champs what?
we'll see but they are definately going back to Cali, something you said wouldn't happen :p :mrgreen:
SOX WIN! Yeah baby! And a sweep of Boston no less!

But...if the Angels finish off New York and's gonna be a real tough series for the Sox. They did go 4-6 against the angels this year, so they're not THAT bad off, but still, it would be waaaaay easier for the Sox to knock off the beatable Yankees. But then I guess that's why the Angels are DOING it then, isn't it.
this game is going to be sick.. Mussina vs. Colon.. we all know what happened last time, right?? hehe.

Braves fucking suck ass. Im sorry, they do. Yeah, they've won their divisoin 14 years in a row, but look at their division, with the exception of Florida none of those teams have what it takes to be a real contender, i dont care if the phillies were only 2 games out of 1st. They have a great team, dont get me wrong.......... but what the fuck, in the past 14 years theyve won....what... 1 MAYBE 2 world series??? Atlanta is a bunch of choke artists, theyve been choking for years. but i will say this Jones > ALL cf's.
Here's my take:

Braves getting ousted in the NLDS? Big fuckin surprise. Like THAT doesn't happen every year.

Boston who? That was a pleasure to watch. Here's to another 86 years. :mrgreen:

The Yanks will have a tough time with Bartolo on the hill for the Angels, playing in Cali no less. This will be a fun game.

The Stros/Cards series should be a good one. I hope the Stros get some revenge. :)