ORLY? Delivers?

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real. taken by a kid on bimmer forums, and the chop is his new sig. lol thats his street.
what i think is so funny its so played out but i still gots no clue about it. and ive seen just about every flash movie out there on this but i never caught the joke other than its a bit silly
ooooooooooooooooo so its like the rest of the internut a bunch of bs to get you threw the day. see i thought there was more to it. im the goose
you're... what?

Drugs are bad, m'kay?

The entire point is, it looks like the owl is saying "Oh, really?!"
The entire point is, it looks like the owl is saying "Oh, really?!"

yea, thats whats i got from it too...

if owls could talk...
and if owls had facial expressions when they talked...

this is what they would look like saying things like orly...