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found the pic on superhonda :P and had to photoshop it. some guy went a little too fast on a turn.
that's why i drive slow in the winter. I have come very close to messing up my car. I wasn't even supposed to have it on the road 'til summer, but my winter cadillac took a shit. :D
LOL dood must be a dipshit for doing that. oh well..i guess he deserves that for street racing sorry to say.
I should've taken a pic today of the weather. It wasn't that bad. But since I've never seen SNOW, I know that i'm not missing much. I'm missing civic's wrecked into a hydrant!! damn that was great!
lol my brother's friend did that the day he got his license. He was doing 70 into a 25 mph turn hopped opposite site of road ditch,ran through a fence, and hit a fire hydrant. It didn't do too much to his car besides front bumper and support, but frame wasn't bent either. It was though a 89 Accord so it didn't matter much. All he got was "slow down on turns son" from the officer besides having to rebuild the fence he hit.
ouch! :blink: he's lucky the hydrant didnt come loose or it would be shooting water about 30'in the air and he'd get a nice fat bill from the city. happened to someone in an suv where i used to work.
Originally posted by Domeskilla@Feb 13 2003, 08:17 AM
Pic was from superhonda? Ah well, one less riced Civic on the road today.


If superhonda was really into ricing, i betcha they're debating on what bodykit to add to the sweet ass fire hydrant already. Heck, take those litle fog lights on the fucked up civic, and drop em on the fire hydrant.

That hydrant would be totally blazing.
Nope, it looks like a usdm bumper from a 6th gen. The headlights have an "eyebrow" on them so they look like 5th gens. It has some ghey fog lamps and looks to me some lip on the bumper (or the bumper is made that way)
Originally posted by Domeskilla@Feb 14 2003, 04:47 AM
Nope, it looks like a usdm bumper from a 6th gen. The headlights have an "eyebrow" on them so they look like 5th gens. It has some ghey fog lamps and looks to me some lip on the bumper (or the bumper is made that way)

oh ok. i saw it on a car in a mag and the car was supposed to be a JDM civic, thats why i was wondering.