Photography question

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how do you highlight a color and reduce the rest of the photo. it's not really hdr, but its similar. here is an example.

I don't really like what's done with that picture, it looks too videogameish. As to how you do it I have no clue.
I don't really like what's done with that picture, it looks too videogameish. As to how you do it I have no clue.
haha, thanks for helping chaz. you post whore. ^_^

i'm not asking about the picture itself, i'm just trying to figure out if this is just adjusting the colors on photoshop or something else. it's for future reference.
isnt that the contrast setting? my camera does something similar and brings out the color. It wont do it that drastic but you know what i mean.

i kinda like it. Looks HD style. like super uber clean polished paint job.
1. Select a color-range in photoshop.
2. Invert selection.
3. Do anything you want to "tone down" the other stuff.
4. ????????
Actually, that photo just looks like the contrast has been bumped quite a bit. Probably an overcast day, and he just brought out the color.

Also may have been shot with a polarized filter, or it's really shiny paint.