pics from iraq

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Were they drafted? Cuase if not you should be mad at them, there are no victims only volunteers.

Bullshit, it is not the US soldier's faults for joining the military and getting sent over there. There are many other better reasons for being military, and it is worth it if you are fighting a war that has purpose. and i bet that most of them were in no way volunteers to be there this long after we accomplished what we originally planned to do.

QUOTE (asmallsol @ Apr 13 2004, 09:34 AM)
get a shit load of troops, start on the northern border in a big line, shoot everything that moves, and let God sort it out. 

hooah. lets roll

Hell yeah thats what we should do, those fuckers dont deserve any fucking respect and if i were there i dont really believe that i would think twice about shooting one of them.

pull all are troops and bomb the piss out of it 

An even better idea, but you gotta remeber this would never happen because that wouldn't be profitable to Bush and all the other politicians

BUSH-->:kick: <--ME
we might not have a place being there, but there is no reason to deny we are there or detract any of the respect for the american soldiers because they enlisted- that's what pisses me off the most, when people talk about the war like the soldiers are robots and their death really makes no difference to anyone
support our brothers in iraq. i believe we (america) made a good decision in taking sadaam out of power. now we have to police the area. cut and dry.

and trust me fellas when i tell you for every one of us they bring down, 15 or more of them go down first. boom! *one big glass parking lot hooah!

pvt. goodwill

You know as much as I hate people who say this....

Fuck it, kill them all, let god sort it out.....

I give up, fuck'em
Originally posted by khan@Apr 13 2004, 07:04 PM
support our brothers in iraq. i believe we (america) made a good decision in taking sadaam out of power. now we have to police the area. cut and dry.

negative, soldier.

it wasnt our place to take saddam out of power. its a waste of our resources, time, money, military, etc. etc.

we went in there on some bullshit hunches. if any other country overthrew someones government on the suspicion they may or may not have a long-range missile when they shouldnt, we'd have persecuted them.

turn iraq back over to its people and let them all kill each other. get us the hell out of there.

pfc bonacci
i fuckin hate those fucks...we should pull our troops out and fuckin NUKE the shyt out of could people be so fuckin pathetic?
under the pictures on that site it looks like it's a discussion board...anyone know what they're saying? I'm gonna look for an arabic translator.
Now that president in training bush has acomplished his personal vendetta, can we get back to fighting terrorism?
war on terroism? Means jack shit to me anymore. Bush has not made a good case on what they have to do with it, we never cought bin laden, al quita is at it again, and our troops were spread too thin in afganistan. One senator on meet the press said that at the point where we had the most troops in afganistan, there were about the same number of police in Manhatan.
i loved how this past year, north korea is like... WE WILL HAVE NUKES... fuck you america... and we are like calm down we will deal with you later, we have to finish jerking off this has-been that mah daddy failed to kill
When President Carter broke ties with The Shah of Iran, he opened our gates to the Iranian Terrorist conflicts that plagued us in 1980.

Several planes were held hostage, while terrorists made terrorist demands.

We ignored their demands. And many people innocent people died. The Iran-Contra arming bestowed by President Reagan put our weapons in the old-time enemies of Iran - So that the US could keep it's soldiers home, while practicing "The Enemy of our Enemy is our Friend" art-of-war bullshit.

But it worked. It kept terrorism out of our country for over two decades.

Now they are back. If Bush pulls our troops from Iraq, there will be more terrorist activity on US shores then we could possibly dream of. We will be viewed not as weaklings, but definately as a giant that can be toppled.

We must stay in Iraq and completely finish the job. Or more innocent lives will end. Innocent American lives. We can't send weapons to the enemies of our enemies and pray it will go away again. We can't back out and become a rampant target like Spain and England. And we as citizens, like the Japanese (Who had to lose japanese hostages because Japan wouldn't pull 550 troops) must stand strong against Terror tactics.

We went to Iraq to respond to direct threats of US attacks. We remained in Iraq to help the people setup democracy, and we did it at their request. We are not there to defeat muslims. We are there to defeat terror and oppression.

And the terror and oppression we defeat may be the terror and oppression that we are avoiding on US shores.

What we are doing is diffident (Look it up), final and effective. When we leave Iraq, we may be engaged in another conflict of terror. That may come from North Korea, it may come from Iran, it may come from Pakistan. But how we handle this conflict, in it's resolve and affect is what will set the playing field for the future when religious zealots, militant nuts, and power-hungry tyrants try to pull their evil shit against US citizens.

IF you are a US citizen, feel lucky to be on this team. If you are not a US Citizen, then I hope your country has the resolve and bravery to do what my country is doing. (Edit: And when your country decides to stand up and say "enough!", my country will be behind yours, with full support of military might that no other country in the world can muster)

And that is winning in a war that no one else has. Period.

-> Steve
Originally posted by Celerity@Apr 13 2004, 09:38 PM
And we as citizens, like the Japanese (Who had to lose japanese hostages because Japan wouldn't pull 550 troops) must stand strong against Terror tactics.

they executed the japanese hostages already?
if we relly wanted to do the whole terrorism thing, we should of invested just as much time/money in looking for the taliban and would of been over. as for sadaam, he posed no threat against us..
Originally posted by NotUrAverage_Si+Apr 13 2004, 11:59 PM-->
@Apr 13 2004, 09:38 PM
And we as citizens, like the Japanese (Who had to lose japanese hostages because Japan wouldn't pull 550 troops) must stand strong against Terror tactics.

they executed the japanese hostages already?

Not sure if they executed, The deadline is past and the group hasn't been heard of since. It's hard to turn your backs on Nationals, and harder to turn your backs on service personnel. These are people that showed up with the intent not of installing a McDonalds in Baghdad, but with the honest intent of improving the lives of millions of people. We've already done more for women's rights and lifestyles there than has been done in over 2000 years.

Take that to the bank.

-> Steve
Originally posted by slohnda@Apr 13 2004, 08:37 PM

turn iraq back over to its people and let them all kill each other. get us the hell out of there.

pfc bonacci

:ditto: fucking to right let them have a civil war after all thats all they capable of fucking savages.

(i know im not happy with how my country is so instead of trying to sort it out i,ll run down the streets screaming and waving my arms in the air blaming everybody else except the iraqi people, if i blow up, shoot , and kill enough innocent people shouting god is great it will all get sorted out)

fuck them all im so sick of it i hope they wipe themselves out, cos if they dont, soon as its all over they,ll be fucking whining and whingeing for other countrys to feed them send medical supplies , money to re-build their country... and why? because they,ve just had a civil war, but i can guaruantee it still wont be their fault it happened, it,ll be everyone elses

either way we cant win it just makes me so angry
Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: 'ter-&r-"i-z&m
Function: noun
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

Main Entry: ter·ror
Pronunciation: 'ter-&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French terreur, from Latin terror, from terrEre to frighten; akin to Greek trein to be afraid, flee, tremein to tremble -- more at TREMBLE
1 : a state of intense fear
2 a : one that inspires fear : SCOURGE b : a frightening aspect <the terrors of invasion> c : a cause of anxiety : WORRY d : an appalling person or thing; especially : BRAT
4 : violence (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands <insurrection and revolutionary terror>
synonym see FEAR

So now, how is having troops dying everyday in Iraq, going to stop this? I wish people would stop throwing around this weeks catch word to prove a point without know what it means.