Police Brutality

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Didn't see everything, boring video...cliffs? At least give us the time where they got their ass beat.
Didn't see everything, boring video...cliffs? At least give us the time where they got their ass beat.
If you click the link to the video under the picture.....Its when the 2nd police officer arrives to the already detained criminal and just starts throwing punches left and right and the guys head.....its about a minute and half into it you can't miss it if you watch it
What a piece of shit. I hope he gets shot on the way to trial. (the cop)
I think the guy deserved it. Chase reached 110 in a metro area. He obviously didn't give a fuck about anyone else but himself. My response? He got off easy... Fuck him.
Dont want your ass beat? Dont break the law, dont run from the cops. Pretty easy concept. :dunno:
In a court case, the cop will say that he was overtaken by his emotions and adrenaline. Some psychologists will agree that it could and more than likely would happen, and the cop will be forced to be on desk duty and visit with a shrink for a few weeks before being released back to regular duty.

IMO, the guy deserved it.
I think the guy deserved it. Chase reached 110 in a metro area. He obviously didn't give a fuck about anyone else but himself. My response? He got off easy... Fuck him.
Dont want your ass beat? Dont break the law, dont run from the cops. Pretty easy concept. :dunno:
was gonna say that.
In a court case, the cop will say that he was overtaken by his emotions and adrenaline. Some psychologists will agree that it could and more than likely would happen, and the cop will be forced to be on desk duty and visit with a shrink for a few weeks before being released back to regular duty.

IMO, the guy deserved it.

was gonna say that.
theyd been chasing him "all day", and he obviously disregards any form of human life.
fuck him.
No doubt the guy deserved it I am just saying I think its a little ridiculous of the cop to start beating the shit out of someone who was already hand cuffed....there is no reason for that
The guy (runner) is a moron, and I'm not siding with him.. Had it been the first cop with a dive tackle and the guy fighting back, so be it. Shoot him, beat his ass, I don't care. But he clearly gave up, put his hands up, and laid down so the cop could cuff him.

Then in comes super cop to beat the shit out of him while he is cuffed, which causes him to flail about (understandably) so the other cops start beating on him too.

Police aren't supposed to be criminals. Nor are they supposed to act like them. Unfortunately fucktards like this are serving, doing what the fuck ever they want, and getting away with it.
Kansas City police captured multiple suspects who bailed out of a car that led them on a 20-minute, two-state high-speed chase.
Police began pursuing the vehicle before 2:30 p.m. in the Northland, after receiving reports that it was driving recklessly, according to police radio traffic.
The driver reportedly reached speeds up to 110 miles per hour as he sped along Interstate 670 toward Kansas City, Kan. Officers following the car said multiple backseat passengers appeared to be holding down a female who was crying.
Police used devices to puncture the car’s tires, and it came to a stop about 2:45 p.m. near 18th Street and Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kan.
Additional details about the incident were not immediately available.
That should be standard procedure. You put hundreds of peoples lives as risk by speeding through a city, an ass beating should be mandatory upon arrest.
If you're stupid enough to lead police on a chase, you don't just deserve jail.

I think he got what he deserved. If the runner would have hit a school bus full of second graders during the chase, suddenly everyone here would be siding with law enforcement. What you aren't hearing about are the people who got scared shitless when the guy blew past them at 110, and lost it because they didn't know how to react.

I hope the assailant is never allowed to own a car ever again.
he did cross state lines, so he should be going to a federal pen.
If the prosecutors tried hard enough, they can rack up the infractions as jail time for each individual one and keep him penned up for the rest of his life.
the sad part is, in trial, his lawyer will show that video and get the case dismissed.