Poor friend is bored at work

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Capt. Orygun

Win the Day
she just emailed me this

crazy. i want to leave work right now. but it's only 1604hrs. damn. damn. damn.

hey wanna see something? this is me banging my head on my keyboard............


yeah, i get bored at work too...and THEN, the japanese woman, who doesnt speak a word of english, starts yelling in my ear.....yeah.

Her: "Hold on my computer is crashing."
Me: "Its crashing? Did Safari even try to open up?"
Her: "No, its still crashing. This computer slow."
Me: "Im not sure i understand."
Her: "You know, beach ball, it spinning, the computer is crashing, its almost done."

Apparently crashing means loading in japanese. Of the 10 (maybe) calls i took yesterday i had 3 people that could not speak english, and they didnt speak spanish.

Maybe you should get your friend into cars and in turn hondaswap. We cant seem to keep girls around here even if we handcuff them.
lmfao @ "the beach ball is spinning!!!!" hahahahaha...

"but ma'am...i dont have a beach ball on my computer..."