Should Mike Buy My Wheels?!?

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white on black... it looks good or gay?

  • ehh... naw d

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mike (b16) is considering my volks- but isn't too sure about the shite on black thing... here's a quick photochop of his car and my wheels.

i think it looks pretty good-- the corver marker blends it in a lot i think. vote honestly.

the te37's are badass.

get them and paint them black if you aren't happy.

they are te37's, i'd paint them flatblack anyway.
id get them sprayed gunmetal, that looks badass on a black car :worthy:
my friend is telling me to get my si wheel powder coated gunmetal... i can get all most anything powder coated for free cuz my buddy works for a place that deos it :D i was wondering what yall thought
ya, i dont like the idea of painting them though... they'll look like imitations... but, maybe that would keep them from getting jacked..
Originally posted by B16@Jan 23 2003, 01:43 PM
ya, i dont like the idea of painting them though... they'll look like imitations... but, maybe that would keep them from getting jacked..

you could also keep them white...badass either way

:worthy: volks
I like the photoshop of those wheels on that car. Get em'''..

plus brian really needs the $ from what i hear!
i usally hate white wheels on anything but a white car, and then sometimes i still don't like it. i didn't like them on brian's sol, but for some reason i think they look sick as hell on your car, i don't know if it's cuz it's a coupe or cuz it's black... but whatever it is, i like it. if i were mike, i'd get 'em. but it really isn't up to us, it's all about what mike thinks.... to each their own.
Originally posted by paragus@Jan 23 2003, 11:45 AM
i say no on the volks.. he need the money to re-tint his rear window to get rid of all those bubbles :lol: :P

lmao, you asshole!! haha, yes, i need to peel that crap off, the rear window is even worse! i dont think i'll re-tint anytme soon.

thanks for the replies guys, except paragus
How much are you selling the volks for?
The white wheels on a black car looks sweet. I was thinking about getting whites for my black del sol.
he is selling them for 1500, but if you want them act quick, he is going to have them for a little longer if mike does not buy them and then he is going to put them on ebay.
i say get em. they look sweet on a black car. people will be like 'whoa. that is phat!' instead of 'eh another black civic with black wheels'
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