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I have flipped through my catalogue of tricks and picked : Subterfuge

my boss is taking a vacation day next week, and isn't in the office on Mondays or Fridays. I'll call in Wednesday and that should give me enough "stud time"
Never got any tats, and that was hard doin 2 years in prison.. Everyone got tatted up.. and whoever said not many people have tats anymore.. Naw actually statisticly something like 85% or americans have atleast one tat... supposidly.. All I want to get it some 2inch wide tribal I drew up in prison, coulda got it donw in there next to nothing, but noooo thanks.. i wand real ink not smut, and a real gun not home made or plickpluck crap.. The tribal is I want is gonna be some sick looking razorwire, interlaced with what looks like devils tails split down the middle, in some parts the tail looks more like barbs on a fishing hook.. you'd have to see it I guess..

I have peircings though.. Heres a pic of me in wallz-mart lol


Ok got alittle picsending happy.. From top left to bottom right
1: 2 weeks after my release 2: Walmart ( The nose ring was just to see how it's look I didnt peirce that, Or the other lip ring (Hoop) My Lebrea's done though.. Did it in the mirror one night in S.M.C.I. (South MS. Corrections institute) Took the post out of a double A, grinded it on the concrete till It was right.. Steralized it.. Poke.. Didnt hurt a bit and got it perfetcly str8.. Peirced my right ear twice in county on the way up the road to.. To even it out with the 2 on left.. (Not Gay!)

3: My wall-o-guitars.. 5 in all. 4: Me on my shitty tables.. Low torque, N' still make it sound good haha 5: My sisters 350z, HSK catback exaust chrome grill and chrome 20's.. bout it on there..

6: Behind bars, duh, Someone snuck a cam in visitation.. did alot of gauging my ears out in there.. 7: Before jail, AK-47 50round clip, Badass bullets went from 10c a peice to 50c a peice since i was gone.. expensive fun..
8: Me and 2 of my back in the day homeboys on the way to neworleans bout a week ago..
9: My shitty 91 TEG LS Auto 215kmiles.. who wants to buy it lol for realz.. haha
finally 10: My homeboy billy failed to mention he'd been up for 2 days on the way to N.O., and he drank allll day.. by the time we got to N.O and walked down burban, he started a few fights in his drunken stuper, and we had to literally carry him back to the car.. fucked the whole night up.. if I wasne under his arm he was on the pavement.. I got more pics of him laying on burban fuckin with people all kinda crazy shit..

Ok I tried to make this short.. I guess I just dont have it in me.. Sorry ya'll for the long nothingness.. boredom wins again! LOL

^You took a battery apart and pierced yourself with it?
^You took a battery apart and pierced yourself with it?

Yup yup, the post in a tripple a and double a look just like finishing nails, they even have a little rubber cap deal to slide on the end so it dont come out in your sleep.. but its copper, I ground the nickle plating off.. wigther way, it never got infected or anything.. and I was getting out in a few months.. just kept cleaning it twice a day with toothpaste, and soap.. lol my ear in county I used a tooth off a comb, and a paperclip someone snagged.. stretched them gradually with the lil rubber flex men they give you.. (1 comb tooth, then 2 the 3, then you can get the ink cartridge from a pen in there, then that with a tooth 2 then 3 and you can get the flex pen rubber in there.. then stuff that rubber peice to stretch that.. finally i ended up w/ bout a 0 guage in each ear and a 4ga in each ear.. cut a regular pen down to peices on the tray hole in the door..

I made a mircowave out of a cracker box, lined it with potato chip bags so it was all mirrored inside.. poke a hole in the top but another 1/4th cracker box on the end as a door.. hang it from the light.. wallaaa, Warm honey buns, chicken, poptarts, whatever you want.. Made a badass one outa 4 boxes tied together, fullsize! Cops shook us down next day.. didnt even use it.. took till lights out to finish it that night.. If you dont learn how to come up with some shit in jail theres something wrong.. lol here I still have some of the peices for memory sake.. i'll send a pic

F.Y.I. everyone said it hurt so had when they got they're lebrea peirced.. thats cause they clamp your lip.. go from the inside out.. Put a pen dot on the outside, line it up right on the inside with your gum foreskin i like to call it lol.. pop it through the 1st layer, and you can see in the mirror where its poking, poke it through the dot.. just dont take it out for a good 2 months.. even then it will close right up if its out more than 15-20 mins..

Dont let the police in there catch you with anything in your ear or lip.. Self mutilation, thats like bein put on suicide watch, may even get more time..

So how did you get away with the shit in your ear, I know it took quite some time to stretch them. ( Im at 5/8 and it didnt happen over night)
So how did you get away with the shit in your ear, I know it took quite some time to stretch them. ( Im at 5/8 and it didnt happen over night)

All the stretching was done in county.. No matter what zone I went to I'd come up fast and get a cell.. almost always with a view of the TV.. I was in county for 16 months before i went up the road.. Lemme tell ya how jackson county ADC is.. picture a zone bout the size of an avg living room.. with 4 cells, 2 racks a cell.. thats 8 racks.. now you have 32-36people on average in that zone.. usually all there for a good year waiting to goto court cause here your guilty till proven inoscent.. in my case, taking shit to trial almost never turns out good.. even if you are innocent.. wich for the most part I was.. guilty by assotiation they called it.. so I took the 2nd plea and ran with it, of I coulda got like 10 years.. Anyways 32 people in the zone, I stay on my rack during count and read a book so they couldnt see.. when trays came, I'd send a celly to get my tray, most the shit I didnt eat anyways.. wasnt to hard..

but the 32-36 ppl in the zone, a cells bout the side of a half bath in any home.. 4 people in the cell.. no windows, a yard call once a month on avg.. its just wake up eat goto sleep over and over... seemed like i was in there 3 years.. bout only 16 months.. When i hit prison I felt FREEE!! Yard calls, room to walk, when trays would come around in county everyone would have to stack their mats to the ceiling just to have room to make hole for the trays to come in and get ate.. if trays arent running, your literally stepping opn people like sardines packed in a car to get from one end to the other..
Its in humane, and the police are more criminal that the criminals.. I saw a cop throw a 75yr old man we called mr lee, off the table to the floor, started bleeding all over.. senial old man.., dont get sick, put in a sick cal bout 5 times in a row then 2 weeks later your seen to about that cough..

SUCKED!!!! All because i tried to keep one friend from shooting up coke (Wich I'd never do) by trying to calm him down and hook him up with a friend of mine that had been lookin for weed for a few weeks.. long story short, the girl was home with her kid so gave me the money and scales, my homeboy with the problem and his friend "The middle man" were in the car.. got the shit, and my neighbor cop pulled me over.. ripped my center consol open and walaa.. I had 30 grand easy worth of custom work in that car.. the polize seized my car "Aka Stolen in the name of the law" all gone.. 4 years work and every penny hard earned paid taxes on not one illegal dollar in that car..
The Biloxi bridge that got powned in Katrina?
The Biloxi bridge that got powned in Katrina?

Yuuup, they rebuilt the hell outa that bridge, and outs mayor Connie Moran, was a cheerleader in highschool so shes constantly trying to have a pic in the paper, blowing all kinda money.. that bridge cost ALLLOOOT, you know how they make it back, Always someone getting pulled over at both ends.. if u ever drive over it dont speed 2 sometimes 3 cops at the end here in O-Town waiting. Black dodge charger cop car n'shyt
I love it down here.. Thats burban street hour n' half away. Pensacola's bout the same distance mobile's half way there... the beaches here are Bangin on the weekends, Hotties All over da place! All the military and people that move to the coast try to get their kids in Ocean Springs schools since 1990.. Buku hotties between 20-25 here.. That red car's my homeboys NSX parked in my driveway he had the whole motor chromed.. block and all! He had.. Check out my car parked on the underside slope of the bridge in the last post lol, couldnt pull the door shut it was so steep.. cool pic though
228 Coastboy in da hizzousseee
HAHA yeah what can I say.. its alot better to give than to recieve in there.. Used to having a friend on the top rack to kick and make get my boxers out the laundry pile.. hahahah (Its puts the lotion on the skin!) hhahaha j/j he asked bout the bridge, It was katrina man, I was right here half mile from the water.. it was killa.. that Light house was SOOOLLIIIDD flat on the ground 2 football fields away from its foundation.. awesome stuff!! shit always wonders off topic on threads anyways.. It'll get back on track I'm sure..