since i didnt buy myself anything for my bday...

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Supa Mod
i'm going to buy myself a tattoo today.. my first one..

a friend was supposed to come into town and pay for half, but something came up and her mother in law cant watch her kids..

this is what its gonna be.. its going right below my elbow on the back side of my forearm.. i think i'm gonna get some red shading behind it also to throw some contrast in it
why are you getting your first tat visible?

get it up on your shoulder, high enough that a short sleeve shirt will cover it

just my .02
FFFF Fair, Fat, Female and Forty (typical candidate for diagnosis of hypothyroidism)

and happy belated b-day. :)
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The 4 Fs stand for the motto "Frisch, Fromm, Fröhlich, Frei" ("Hardy, God-fearing, Cheerful, Free")

each of those describes me, thats why i'm getting it..

why are you getting your first tat visible?

get it up on your shoulder, high enough that a short sleeve shirt will cover it

just my .02

shoulder tats arent me.. if i'm doing something on my upper arm i'd like it to be a big piece..
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dude that is a fucking great idea...the red will make it look better...

and i agree with the placement...that on your shoulder would be stupid....

and the meaning well if it describes you go for it i say....

please take some photo's of it when its done and post them up....

this should look good
Please tell me that this is something that you know for a fact and not something from a so called tattoo book....

because...after wearing won't wash off.

case in and the wife were walking thru wallyworld and we see this kid with a kanji tat on his neck...both me and my wife bust up laughing our ass'es off.... some tat dude told the kid it was some sort of kanji for something really cool. But in fact it was the kanji for "ouch"

and then there was this other guy that looked like a mean ass dude....and on his arm he had the kanji for "male" on his arm... so once again, me and the wife busted up laughing...why would a man put "man" on his arm?!?!?! maybe he might wake up one morning in a trans gender disorientated state and wonder what he was?

= hurt or ouch


= boy, man

up to this day, everytime I see those kanji....I bust up laughing or smirk to myself...
This one is cool least it would be a conversation tat to get to know a few hot Japanese babes.


pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (one word) = A Disease Caused By The Inhalation Of Fine Graphite Or Silicate Particles. Longest Word In The English Language.
decent!.. my friend that supposed to come into town and take me feels bad she cant make it.. so she's paypaling my the half she was gonna pay.. she's awesome..
Nice. I'm actually calling my place later to see if they can finish my rib tat and ask if they do lip tats. I want to go tomm. But yea, def post pics.
Hell yeah Clint, what are you still doing on Hondaswap go get that tattoo. Oh and don't drink before or your blood will thin and you will bleed real bad. I have 3 tattos now I just got one on my right ribcage and boy did that feel good. The place where you want yours won't hurt at all. After the tattoo go get some stuff called Aquafor or Aquaphor I forget you can get it at Rite-Aid or places like that, it will make it heal real nice, oh and I think the red behind it will look pretty cool.
Hell yeah Slush Ribcage Tattoos FTMFW
Yea, and now I'm getting back in shape so it will actually look good. It was my first one. They thought I was crazy for getting my first one there but then later told me that I sat better than anyone getting a rib tat there. I had no frame of reference for the pain. I'm sure when I get another I'll be like, "Holy shit the ribs did hurt!" But my next one is going to be on my inner lip so I'm sure that's not too cool either. I'll eventually get one on my arm or back though.

But for taking care of it, I use A+D cream. Seems to work well.
i hope all you guys are protecting these from the sun since under the tat is scar tissue

what the fuck are you getting tattoo'ed on your lip?
well, i was supposed to go at 2 but my cousin called me and told me the artist doing mine wont be in till 4.. so i gotta go then, but he's gonna hook it up on the price since i have to wait.. will definitely post pics when its done